
Cards (67)

  • what is meant by the term statistical deviation?
    behaviour that is numerically rare
  • Give an example of a behaviour that is statistically rare
  • Give one strength to statistical deviation
    ALL diagnosis involve a statistical measurement
  • give one limitation to statistical deviation
    Some behaviours are more common than others
  • what does the term deviation from social norms mean (DSM)?
    behaviour that is not accepted by society
  • give an example of DSM
    antisocial personality disorder
  • evaluate DSM
    may help people in society gain help from professionals - subjective
  • what is meant by the term failure to function adequately?
    inability to keep up with the demands of everyday life
  • name an example of FFA
  • evaluate FFA?
    abnormality isn't always followed by dysfunction
  • what is meant by the term deviation from ideal mental health?
    the more criteria you fail to meet the more abnormal you are
  • Name all 6 characteristics of Deviation from Ideal Mental health (DIMH) ?
    positive attitude towards oneself, self-actualisation, autonomy, resisting stress, accurate perception of reality, environmental mastery
  • Evaluate DIMH?
    criteria is impossible to meet
  • Define the term phobia: an irrational fear of an object or a situation
  • Name 3 behavioural characteristics involved with phobias: Avoidance, Panic, endurance
  • name 3 emotional characteristics assosciated with phobias: anxiety, feelings of dread, unreasonable emotional responses
  • name 3 cognitive characteristics assosciated with phobias: selective attention, irrational beliefs, cognitive distortions
  • what is meant by the term Two-way process model in phobias?
    phobias are learnt through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning
  • what can classical conditioning also be referred to in phobias?
  • what evidence is there of learning phobias through classical conditioning?
    Little Albert
  • How are phobias maintained?
    through anxiety avoidance which lead to negative reinforcement
  • give a limitation to phobia research
    not all phobias come from trauma
  • what are the two BEHAVIOURAL treatments to flooding?
    systematic desensitisation and floodinh
  • what does systematic desensitisation involve?
    replacing fear with relaxation
  • what is it called when you replace fear with relaxation?
    reciprocal inhibition
  • what are the 3 stages to systematic desensitisation?
    anxiety hierarchy, relaxation, exposure
  • define the term flooding?
    directly exposing people to their phobias
  • define the term extinction in terms of phobias?
    stopping phobic responses quickly without avoidance
  • what kind of phobia did Wolpe try to eradicate?
    fear of cars
  • what are the positives of using systematic desensitisation?
    patients are accepting of treatment
    wide range of patients
  • what are the positives of using flooding?
  • what are the limitations of flooding?
    doesn't work on all phobias
    not ethical
  • what are the limitations to systematic desensitisation?
    very slow treatment
  • define obsessions
    thoughts (intrusive)
  • define compulsions
    behavioural response to obsessions
  • give 3 examples of behavioural characteristics of OCD?
    repetitive compulsions
    compulsions reduce anxiety
  • give 3 examples of emotional characteristics of OCD
  • give 3 examples of cognitive characteristics of OCD
    catastrophic thoughts
    hyper vigilant
  • give 1 explanation to OCD: genetics (twin studies)
  • According to Lewis , what percentage of patients with OCD had parents/siblings with it too?
    parents - 37%
    siblings - 21%