how does buffering in the blood occur (from cells to blood)?
1) Co2 diffuses out of the cell into tissue fluid, into plasma, and into RBC cytoplasm.
2) Co2 + water ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ H+ + HCO3-
(reversible reaction to form H2CO3 is catalysed by carbonic anhydrase)
3) the increase in H+, decreases PH and so Hb also acts as a buffer:
H+ + Hb ⇌ HHb (haemoglobinic acid)
-> this changes the structure of Hb encouraging it to dissociate from O2.
4) HCO3- ions are transported out of RBCs via trabnsport proteins to maintain high concentration gradient for Co2.
(this causes charge imbalance)
5)Cl- ions in plasma are transported into RBC to maintain electrical imbalance (chloride shift)