RLE 101

Cards (13)

  • Drapes are made of paper, cloth, or bed linen
  • Penlight - to assist viewing of the pharynx and cervix ot to determine the reactions of the pupils of the eye
  • Nasal speculum - to permit visualization of the lower and middle turbinates
  • ophthalmoscope - a lighted instrument to visualize the interior of the eye
  • otoscope - a lighted instrument to visualize the eardrum and external auditory canal
  • a nasal speculum may be attached to the otoscope to inspect the nasal cavitites
  • percussion hammer - an instrument with a rubber head to text reflexes
  • Tuning fork -a two prolonged metal instrument used to sense hearing acuity and vibratory sense
  • vaginal speculum - to assess the cervix and the vagina
  • cotton applicators - to obtain specimen
  • gloves - to protect the nurse
  • lubricant - to ease insertion of instruments
  • tongue blades - to depress the tongue during the assessment of the mouth and pharynx