Pro & Eu cell

Cards (36)

  • Prokaryotic Cell
  • No meiosis; transfer of DNA only
  • Mesosome functions as mitochondria
  • Duration of Cell Cycle: Short (20 - 60 minutes)
  • Cell type: Mostly unicellular
  • Cell Wall: Simple
  • Pathogenic organisms have the potential to produce significant clinical disease in humans
  • Acellular organisms possess single nucleic acid either DNA or RNA
  • Primarily infect bacteria
  • Prokaryotic microorganisms are typically a few micrometres in length
  • Gram negative bacteria have a cell wall (e.g., E. coli)
  • Gram positive bacteria have a cell wall (e.g., S. aureus)
  • Acid-fast bacteria have a lipid cell wall (e.g., M. tuberculosis)
  • Eukaryotic Cell
  • Meiosis is present
  • Duration of Cell Cycle: Long (12 - 24 hrs)
  • Cell type: Multicellular
  • Cell Wall: Complex
  • Normal flora are microorganisms that live on another living organism without causing disease
  • Viruses are acellular and unable to replicate without the host cell
  • Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites
  • Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that include yeasts, molds, and mushrooms
  • Fungi are mainly decomposers
  • Fungi have an outer surface made up of chitin
  • Fungi are aerobic heterotrophs
  • Fungi reproduce through sexual/asexual spores
  • Protozoa
  • Eukaryotic
  • Exist in 2 forms: cysts & trophozoites
  • Cysts are the infective stage
  • Trophozoites are the pathogenic stage
  • Protozoa have both DNA and RNA
  • Algae
  • Outer surface consists of cellulose
  • Algae are plant-like organisms due to the presence of chlorophyll (photosynthesis)
  • Algae are mostly beneficial and serve as sources of food, iodine, fertilizers, emulsifiers, stabilizers