
Cards (232)

  • The amygdala plays a key role in processing emotions, especially fear and aggression.
  • The spinal cord extends from the base of the skull to the lumbar region of the vertebrae.
  • The brainstem consists of the medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, and diencephalon (thalamus).
  • The spinothalamic tract transmits crude touch, pressure, pain, temperature sensation.
  • The dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway primarily transmits fine touch, proprioception, and fine muscle movements.
  • Functions of the nervous system:
    • Receive information from the external world and internal organs
    • Transduce signals through depolarization of nervous cells
    • Transfer information from periphery to center and vice versa through conduction and communication
    • Integration: putting together information and deciding what to do
    • Response: motor response, secretory response, modification of internal circuitry
  • Neurons:
    • Excitable cells with high amounts of ion channels and ion pumps
    • Have long prolongments called axons with specialized endings (axon terminals) forming synaptic contacts with dendrites, cell bodies, muscle cells, and other axons
    • Communication is largely chemical through the release of neurotransmitters from the presynaptic side
  • Division of the nervous system:
    • Central Nervous System (CNS) protected by bony structures, includes the brain and spinal cord
    • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) includes cranial nerves, spinal nerves, dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and ganglia
  • Central Nervous System:
    • Contains the majority of neuronal cell bodies
    • Grey matter: collections of cell bodies, white matter: grouped axons
    • Layers of protection: skin, connective tissue, muscle, periosteum, skull, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid
    • Organization in the brain with cerebral cortex, white matter, and nuclei; in the spinal cord with white matter and gray matter
  • Meninges:
    • Three layers covering and protecting the brain: dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
    • Spaces within the meninges: epidural, subdural, subarachnoid filled with cerebrospinal fluid
  • Topographic classification:
    • Dura mater forms septa dividing the cranial cavity into compartments
    • Falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli divide the cranial cavity into supratentorial and infratentorial compartments
  • Neurons:
    • Basic unit of the signaling system composed of cell body, dendrites, and axons
    • Neurons vary in shape and size: multipolar, bipolar, pseudounipolar, unipolar
    • Supporting glia cells include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells, microglia
  • Synapses:
    • Junctions between neurons carrying information
    • Chemical synapses release neurotransmitters, electrical synapses communicate through electrical coupling
  • Neurotransmitters:
    • Acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, GABA
    • Important for muscle contraction, sympathetic nervous system, motor circuits, central circuits
  • Development of the CNS:
    • Arises from the neural tube formed from ectodermal cells
    • Neurulation process involves the formation of the neural plate, neural groove, neural tube, and neural crest
    • Differentiation into spinal cord and brain with three main divisions: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
  • Fetal time:
    • Expansion of cerebral hemispheres into small cavity
  • Fetal development:
    • The cylindrical formation of the neural tube will form the spinal cord
    • Expansion of the cerebral hemispheres into a small cavity causes the formation of folding that give origin to the sulci and gyri
    • Formation of interhemispheric commissures
  • At birth:
    • There are 80 - 100 billion neurons
    • The brain is very heavy (300 - 400 g), more than 10% of the body weight and 1/4th of the adult brain
  • Chronology of brain development:
    • Neurogenesis (formation of neurons) occurs only during the embryo-fetal period till about week 19
    • Synaptogenesis (formation of circuits) starts at about week 20 and continues for the whole life, reaching peak between 2nd and 4th year
    • Myelination starts at the end of fetal life around week 29 and continues for the whole life
    • Competitive elimination of neurons starts at 4th month and continues for the whole life, where unused neurons get eliminated
    • Maturation ends at about 20 years (18 for females and 21 for males) under the action of sex hormones (estrogens for females and androgens for males)
  • The Diencephalon:
    • Oldest part of the cerebrum
    • Composed of two hemispheres and a central diencephalon
    • Positioned between the mesencephalon and the corpus callosum
    • Thalamus represents 80% of the diencephalon and is a nuclear complex
    • Thalamus is bordered laterally by an internal capsule and anteriorly extends from the anterior pole to the anterior part of the optic chiasm
    • Primary arterial supply is from the posterior cerebral artery
    • Ventral view allows observation of optic pathways, pituitary stalk and tuber cinereum, mamillary bodies, and posterior perforated substance
  • Thalamus:
    • Large, grey, ovoid mass of nuclei, mostly relay nuclei
    • Located at the lateral surface of the 3rd ventricle
    • Divided into three groups of nuclei: anterior, medial, and lateral nuclei
    • Each nucleus projects on a specific part of the cerebral cortex
    • Anterior thalamic tubercle is found in the rostral thalamus
  • Hypothalamus:
    • Very small structure located ventrally and inferiorly to the thalamus
    • Forms the lateral walls and floor of the third ventricle
    • Vascularization by the anterior and posterior branches of the circle of Willis and the superior hypophyseal artery
    • Contains many small nuclei involved in vital homeostatic functions
    • Nuclei can be divided into magnocellular and parvocellular nuclei
  • Magnocellular nuclei:
    • Big nucleus body and long prolongments
    • More active in synthesis and delivery of proteins
  • Parvocellular nuclei:
    • Pre optic nuclei
    • Embryologically from the telencephalon
    • Important in thermoregulation and sexual activity
  • Hypothalamus:
    • Contains many nuclei with various functions like control of the endocrine system, thermoregulation, control of circadian rhythms and cooling
    • Preoptic area and suprachiasmatic nuclei of the supraoptic region are involved
  • Subthalamus:
    • Located inferior to the thalamus and lateral to the hypothalamus
    • Vascularization mainly from the perforating branches of the anterior choroidal artery and the posterior communicating artery
    • Contains small nuclei, with the subthalamic nucleus of Luys being the most important
  • Epithalamus:
    • Posterior part of the prolongment of the third ventricle
    • Consists of the habenular trigone and the epiphysis
    • Important for circadian rhythm, inducing sleep, and regulation of gonadal activity
  • Metathalamus:
    • Contains the geniculate bodies
    • Located posterior to the inferior side of the thalamus
    • Acts as a relay station for the acoustic and optic pathways
  • Telencephalon:
    • Formed by two cerebral hemispheres
    • Most superior and largest part of the brain
    • Composed of the cerebral cortex, white matter, deep nuclei, and lateral ventricles
  • Lobes of the Telencephalon:
    • Frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insular, and limbic lobes
    • Characterized by gyri and sulci that demarcate functional centers
  • Cerebral Cortex:
    • Phylogenetically subdivided into allocortex (older) and isocortex (newer)
    • Three functional divisions: projection neurons, association neurons, commissural neurons
    • Histological subdivisions: pyramidal and fusiform cells, non-pyramidal cells
  • Gyri and Sulci:
    • Form important landmarks that allow separation of the brain into functional centers
    • Sulci separate gyri and demarcate lobes
    • Longitudinal fissure divides the hemispheres into right and left lobes
  • Non-spiny non-pyramidal cells are interneurons
  • Stellate (granular) cells:
    • Real afferent cells
    • Similar to granular cells of the cerebellar cortex
    • Contact with Mossi fibers
    • Receive important afferent information from the thalamus
  • Double bouquet cells:
    • Important interneurons involved in vertical distribution along all cerebral cortex
  • Horizontal cells of Cajal:
    • Have a trans-horizontal position with dendrites involved in horizontal irradiation
    • Important for horizontal communication with other neurons
  • Chandelier cells/Cells of Retzius:
    • Small neurons with short axons and dendrites
    • Important in horizontal communication
  • Cells of Martinotti:
    • Multipolar neurons
    • Related to vertical communication between different neurons
    • Dendrites can spread above and below
    • Cerebral cortex can be subdivided into 6 layers
  • Cerebral cortex layers can be distinguished from a functional point of view:
    • Supragranular layers (I, II, III) contain many interneurons, primary origin and termination of intracortical connections
    • Internal granular layer (IV) contains the largest number of granular cells, related to the collection of thalamic information
    • Infragranular layers (V-VI) contain pyramidal and fusiform neurons, connecting the cerebral cortex with subcortical regions