Evil or suffering caused by the world, i.e. natural disaster, earthquake, tsunami
What is Moral Evil?
Evil or suffering caused by human choice, i.e. war, murder, famine
Could be due to our Fall from Eden
The Logical Problem: Epicurus + Mackie, A priori, deductive argument. Inconsistenttriad: God can't be omni's whilst evil exists, creates self-contradicting God
The Evidential Problem: Hume + Rowe, A posteriori, inductive argument. Perhaps God doesnt hold traditional values we thought/has a reason for causing evil
Augustinian Theodicy: We created evil and therefore deserve to suffer our consquences, Adam and Eve created original sin. Evil doesn't exist, it's just a privation (absense) of good - "privato boni"
The Irenean Theodicy: God allows evil as it acts as a 'soul-making process'. Good people choose good>evil, we must overcome the battles thrown at us.
Criticisms: (Irenean Theodicy) Do we really deserve children dying/genocide/war? seems cruel and excessive over soul-making