Cards (13)

  • R v White

    This asks whether, “but for” the actions of the defendant, the consequence would have occurred.
  • Kimsey
    More than a slight or trifling link.
  • Roberts
    Daft and unexpected.
  • Cheshire
    Render the Defendant’s contribution insignificant.
  • R v Blaue
    Thin skull rule - The Defendant must “take the victim as he finds them” and will be responsible for the full extent of harm.
  • Gibbins and Proctor
    A duty of a special relationship.
  • Stone and Dobinson (1977) 

    A duty because of an assumption of responsibility.
  • R v Miller (1983)

    A duty because of a dangerous situation/ chain of events.
  • R v Pittwood (1902)
    A contractual duty.
  • S.1 Children and Young Persons Act 1933
    A statutory duty.
  • S.14 Road Traffic Act 1988
    Failure to wear a seatbelt.
  • Hill v Baxter (1958)
    Actus Reus must be voluntary.
  • R v Jordon
    ‘palpably wrong’