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  • Accounting is a service activity that provides quantitative financial information about economic entities for making economic decisions
  • Accounting involves identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information for informed judgment and decisions by users
  • Functions of Accounting:
    • Identifying: selecting relevant economic events for business transactions
    • Recording: writing and effects of transactions using different books of accounts
    • Classifying: sorting or grouping similar transactions in a specific period
    • Summarizing: grouping accounts into assets, liabilities, O/E, revenue, cost, and expenses
    • Reporting: preparing financial statements like BS, IS, SOCE, CFS
    • Interpreting: using financial reports for future planning and business policies
  • Accounting is a service activity that assists decision-makers with financial reports
    • It is a process that collects, processes, and communicates financial information
    • Accounting is both an art and a discipline
    • It involves the preparation and use of financial statements to determine a company's profitability
    • Accounting is recognized as an information system
  • Difference between Bookkeeping and Accounting:
    • Bookkeeping: routine recording of economic activities, a mechanical process
    • Accounting: analysis and interpretation of financial information, conduct of audits, and preparation of financial statements
  • Basic Financial Statements:
    • Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
    • Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income Statement)
    • Statement of Changes in Equity
    • Cash Flow Statement
    • Notes with significant accounting policies and explanatory information
  • Users of Financial Information:
    Internal Users:
    • Managers/Management
    • Employees/Labor Union
    • Owners/Stockholders
    External Users:
    • Potential Investors
    • Creditors/Potential Creditors
    • Customers
    • Tax Authorities
    • Regulatory Authorities
  • Brief History of Accounting:
    • 3600 BC: Clay tablets used for accounting records
    • 14th Century: Double-entry bookkeeping
    • 17th Century: Luca Pacioli disseminated double-entry bookkeeping
    • 1760-1830: Development of accounting theory
    • 19th Century: Industrial Revolution importance on fixed assets and mass production
    • 20th Century: Modern accounting development in America and Europe
  • Three Main Branches of Accounting:
    • Cost Accounting: reporting for external users
    • Management Accounting: reporting for internal users
    • Financial Accounting: meant for both internal and external users
  • Other Branches of Accounting:
    1. Government Accounting: analyzing, classifying, summarizing, and communicating government transactions
    2. Auditing: examining an organization's financial records for accuracy and compliance
    3. Tax Accounting: accounting methods focused on taxes governed by the Internal Revenue Code
    4. Accounting Education
    5. Accounting Research: Economic and Academic Accounting Research
  • the first step to making a budget is to determine the income
  • income refers to all sources of money that can be used to pay expenses or save
  • expenses are payments made by an individual, family, business, government, etc.
  • budgeting involves estimating future income and expenses over a specific period of time
  • budgeting involves estimating future income and expenses over a specific period of time (usually one month)
  • budgeting involves planning how much will be spent on various items during a specific period of time
  • expenses refer to all costs associated with running a household
  • cash flow refers to the movement of cash into and out of your bank account
  • there are two types of budgets: personal and organizational
  • personal budgets involve individuals while organizational budgets involve businesses, governments, nonprofit organizations, and other groups
  • a budget is a plan for managing your finances
  • Budgets serve as a guide for spending decisions and allow individuals to monitor their progress toward achieving goals.
  • personal budgets include both fixed and variable expenses
  • a personal budget is a plan for managing your finances
  • A budget is a written statement of planned expenditures and revenues during a specified period of time.