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  • Around 1920, psychologists defined their field as the study of behavior
  • Psychology is the study of the mind or soul, deriving from the Greek words "psyche" meaning "soul" or "mind," and "logos" meaning "word"
  • Currently, psychology is defined as the systematic study of behavior and mental processes
  • Wilhelm Wundt believed that consciousness could be broken down into thoughts, experiences, emotions, and other basic elements
  • Edward B. Titchener proposed the school of thought called Structuralism, breaking conscious experience down into objective sensations and subjective feelings
  • In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany
  • Goals of Psychology:
    • Describe behavior and mental processes
    • Explain behavior and mental processes
    • Predict behavior and mental processes
    • Change/control behavior and mental processes
  • John B. Watson founded the school of thought called Behaviorism, studying observable behavior and relationships between stimuli and responses
  • William James proposed the school of thought called Functionalism, emphasizing the uses or functions of the mind
  • Gestalt psychology emphasizes how perception is organized, proposing that "The whole is different from the sum of its parts"
  • Sigmund Freud founded the Psychoanalytic school of thought, asserting that behavior and mental processes are governed by unconscious ideas and impulses
  • Contemporary Perspectives in Psychology:
    • Psychodynamic Perspective
    • Behavioral Perspective
    • Cognitive Perspective
    • Sociocultural Perspective
    • Biopsychological/Behavior Genetics Perspective
    • Evolutionary Perspective
    • Humanistic-Existential Perspective
    • Evolutionary: Gender differences in anger expression reflect different evolutionary pressures and strategies for survival and reproduction
    • Humanistic-Existential: Experiencing and expressing anger impact an individual's sense of self-worth, personal identity, and agency in their own life
  • Anger:
    • Psychodynamic: Defense mechanisms like displacement and projection influence how trauma survivors express and manage anger
    • Behavioral: Anger management techniques can tame aggression and cultivate healthy coping in anger-prone individuals
    • Cognitive: Distorted cognitive schemas contribute to the interpretation of neutral situations as threatening and trigger excessive anger
    • Sociocultural: Norms and expectations on anger expression shape how we feel, show, and manage anger
    • Biopsychological: Brain imaging can pinpoint anger pathways for targeted interventions for anger management
  • Branches of Psychology:
    • Behavioral genetics
    • Behavioral neuroscience
    • Clinical psychology
    • Clinical neuropsychology
    • Cognitive psychology
    • Counseling psychology
    • Cross-cultural psychology
    • Developmental psychology
    • Educational psychology
    • Environmental psychology
    • Evolutionary psychology
    • Experimental psychology
    • Forensic psychology
    • Health psychology
    • Industrial/organizational psychology
    • Personality psychology
    • School psychology
    • Social psychology
    • Sport psychology
  • Psychology Law (R.A. 10029):
    • To practice psychology in the Philippines, an individual must be a Bachelors and Masters degree holder in Psychology and pass the Licensure Examinations for Psychologists
    • Non-Psychology undergraduates may pursue a Masters' degree in Psychology after undergoing required bridging courses for BLEPP
  • The text is written in Morse code
  • Morse code is a method used to encode text characters as sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes
  • Each character is represented by a unique sequence of dots and dashes
  • The Morse code in the text translates to "EXAM TIPS"