
    Cards (37)

    • the armistice
    • British peacekeeper
      David Lloyd George
    • American peacekeeper
      Woodrow Wilson
    • French peacekeeper
      Georges Clemenceau
    • french aims
      Germany pay reparations
      wanted revenge
      weaken Germany
      push German boarder back
    • British aims
      feared Germany wanted revenge
      keep Germany strong for trade
      increase British empire
      wanted naval supremacy
    • USA aims
      wanted fair peace
      feared Germany wanted revenge
      proposed 14 points
    • treaty
      article 231 the war guilt clause
    • treaty
      6.6 million pounds in reparations
    • treaty
      german navy limited to 6 battleships
    • treaty
      league of nations formed, germany couldn't join
    • treaty
      germany not allowed tanks, submarines or air force
    • treaty
      danzig taken from germany
    • treaty
      german army limited to 100,000 men
    • treaty
      germany split in two by the polish corridor
    • treaty
      conscription not allowed
    • treaty
      saar taken by league of nations
    • treaty
      Rhineland demilitarised
    • treaty
      german colonies given to the league of nations
    • Clemenceau pleased about
      france gained Alsace-Lorraine
      Germany having no army in Rhineland
    • Clemenceau unhappy about
      Reparations : French should pay more
      germany being allowed an army
      Rhineland not being taken away
    • Lloyd George pleased about
      Britain having naval supremacy
      British empire gained more colonies
    • Lloyd George unhappy about
      harsh reparations : lost trade with germany
      the threat of future war
    • Wilson pleased about
      the creation of the League of nations
    • Wilson unhappy about
      the 14 points being ignored
      harshness of the treaty
    • why couldn't the big three get everything they wanted
      under pressure to reach an agreement
      Wilson wanted USA to join the league but US senate refused
      Wilson and Lloyd George disagreed over armistice
      big three had to keep promises to other countries
      big three each had different aims
    • British reactions of the treaty
      propaganda during war taught Brits to despise the Germans
      thought the treaty could be harsher
      Lloyd George hailed a hero
    • French reactions to the treaty
      thoughts the treaty wasn't harsh enough
      people felt Clemenceau had not done enough and was voted out
    • American reactions to the treaty
      Americans didn't want revenge or compensation
      thought treaty was too harsh
      USA wanted to follow policy of isolationism and didn't join the league
    • german objections to treaty
      the war guilt clause was particularly hated
    • german objections to treaty
      they thought it was a diktat , a dictated peace
    • german objections to treaty
      over six million Germans not living in Germany
    • german objections to treaty
      german people felt vulnerable with a little army
    • german objections to the treaty
      germany was unstable as the kaiser had abdicated
    • german objections to the treaty
      germany was starving due to british blockade so was already struggling
    • german objections to treaty
      felt betrayed by their government and called the people who signed the armistice the November criminals
    • impacts of the treaty of versailles
      the kapp putsch
      Dawes plan