Soul, Mind and Body

Cards (9)

  • Plato's View: Dualist. Mind/soul and body different. Body is a vessel for soul, limiting it.
  • Plato's Charioteer Analogy: Soul as three parts; Emotion, Appetite + Reason. Horses are A + E, Reason must guide horses so either doesn't control.
  • Plato's Argument from Recollection: Slave boy in the Meno - can solve complex mathematical problems he couldn't possibly know in this life - must be knowledge carried on from past life.
  • Aristotle's View: Materialist, soul is just brain activity - dies with the body. Soul is the essence, give personality to an individual.
  • Aristotle's Stamp and Wax Analogy: The wax is the mind and the stamp is the body. Permanent connection - never seperating.
  • Aristotle's Triparte View of the Soul: Vegetative Soul : only concerned with nutrition and growth. Perceptive Soul : ability to move and experience. Rational Soul : ability to conceptualise + rationalise. Plants - vegetative soul, Animals - perceptive + vegetative soul, Humans - rational, vegetative + perceptive soul
  • Descartes' View: Substance Dualist - mind and body distinct substances. Can exist seperate from each other.
  • Gilbert Ryle: Materialist - nothing non-physical about the mind. Not like a 'Ghost in a machine'
  • Dawkins' View: Materialist + scientific view. 2 types of soul; 1 - seperate entity to body (invalid), 2 - metaphor, personality (valid).