
Cards (137)

  • Foundations of Curriculum Development:
  • Curriculum development is anchored on a solid foundation
  • Significance of curriculum development in light of global developments has been acknowledged
  • Philosophical, historical, psychological, and sociological influences inform the current school curriculum
  • Identified curricularists with foundations include John Dewey, Wiliam Bagley, Theodore Brameld, and others
  • Philosophical Foundations:
  • Educators must have a philosophy about education and schooling
  • Philosophy of the curriculum answers questions like: What are schools for? What subjects are important? How should students learn?
  • Philosophies in education include Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism, and Reconstructionism
  • Historical Foundations:
  • Curriculum development started with Franklin Bobbit, who emphasized students' needs
  • Contributors to curriculum development include Werret Charters, William Kilpartick, Harold Rugg, and others
  • Psychological Foundation of Curriculum:
  • Psychology provides a basis to understand the teaching and learning process
  • Learning theories include behaviorism, cognitive-information processing, and humanities theories
  • Theories by Ivan Pavlov, Edward Thorndike, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Howard Gardner, and others are relevant
  • Social Foundations of Curriculum:
  • Social pressures influence the characteristics of students who experience the curriculum
  • Schools may be a major factor in the improvement of society by helping young people develop the capacity to respond intelligently to social problems
  • Theorists like Emile Durkheim, Alvin Toffler, Paolo Freire, John Goodlad, and William Pinar have contributed to shaping the curriculum
  • Conrad Gesner (1516-1565)
  • Hans and Zacharias Janssen (1590)
  • Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
  • Marcelo Malpighi (1628-1694)
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)
  • Robert Hooke (1635-1703)
  • Nehemial Grew (1841-1712)
  • Henri Joachim Dutrochet (1776-1847)
  • Robert Brown (1773-1858)
  • Johannes E. Purkinje (1787-1869)
  • Matthias Jacob Schleiden (1804-1881)
  • Theodore Schwann (1810-1882)
  • Albert von Kolliker. (1817-1905)
  • Felix Dujardin (1835)
  • Max Schultze (1861)
  • Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)
  • Hugo von Mohl in 1837
  • Charles Emest Overton (1865-1933)
  • Cyril Dean Darlington FRS (1903-1981)
  • Nikolai K. Koltsov (1903)