Tissues are groups of similar cells and their intercellular substance that have a similar embryological origin and function together to perform a specialized activity
Histology is the science that deals with the study of tissues
There are 4 different types of tissues: epithelial tissues, connective tissues, muscle tissues, and nervous tissues
Epithelial tissues cover body surfaces, line body cavities and ducts, and form glands
Covering & lining epithelium forms the outer covering of external body surfaces and some internal organs
Simple epithelium is specialized for absorption and filtration with minimal wear & tear, and is single-layered
Stratified epithelium is many-layered and found in areas with a high degree of wear & tear
Pseudo-stratified epithelium is single-layered but appears to have many layers, found in larger excretory ducts of many glands
Transitional epithelium is found in the urinary bladder, part of ureters, and urethra, and allows the tissue to stretch without breakage
Glandularepithelium's main function is secretion and can be classified into exocrine and endocrine glands
Connective tissues bind structures together, form a framework and support for organs and the body, store fat, transport substances, protect against disease, and help repair tissue damage
Mucous connective tissue is found primarily in the fetus and located in the umbilical cord
Muscle tissue consists of highly specialized cells that provide motion, maintenance of posture, and heat production
Skeletal muscle tissue is attached to bones, voluntary, cylindrical, multinucleated, and striated
Cardiac muscle tissue forms the wall of the heart, involuntary, uni-nucleated, and striated
Smooth muscle tissue is located in the wall of hollow internal structures like blood vessels, stomach, intestine, and urinary bladder, and is involuntary and non-striated
Nervous tissues contain neurons and neuroglia, with neurons being the structural and functional unit of the nervous system
Neurons consist of cell body (soma), axons, and dendrites
Neuroglias protect, nourish, and support neurons, and have the potential to replicate and produce cancerous growths
Membranes are thin, pliable layers of epithelial and/or connective tissue that line body cavities, cover surfaces, and connect or separate regions, structures, and organs of the body
There are 3 kinds of membranes: mucous membranes, serous membranes, and cutaneous membranes
Serous Membrane:
Contains loose connective tissue covered by a layer of mesothelium
Pleura and pericardium are serous membranes that line the thoracic and heart cavities respectively
Epithelial layer of a serous membrane secretes lubricating fluid called serousfluid, allowing organs to glide easily
Synovial Membrane:
Does not contain epithelium
Lines the cavities of freely movable joints
Secretes synovial fluid that lubricates articular cartilage at the ends of bones as they move at joints
Integumentary System:
Skin is a remarkable organ, the first line of defense that keeps bacteria out and retains water and heat
Epidermis is a layer of avascular epithelial tissue that gets nutrients through diffusion from the dermis
Dermis is a tough layer of vascularized fibrous tissue, full of nerves and blood vessels
Hypodermis is a layer of adipose tissue that anchors the skin to structures below
Skin Appendages:
Hair is a flexible strand made of dead, keratinized cells produced by hair follicles
Nails contain hard keratin and have parts like free edge, body, proximal root, nail bed, nail matrix, nail folds, and hyponychium
Sweatglands, also known as sudoriferous glands, are found almost everywhere on the skin
Two types of sweat glands: eccrine/merocrinesweatglands and apocrinesweatglands
Apocrine glands secrete fat and protein components along with the normal mixture, causing body odor
Types of apocrine glands include ceruminous glands (produce earwax), mammary glands (produce breast milk), and sebaceous glands (oil glands)
Metabolism is the chemical reactions inside the body to convert food into energy, build and repair tissues, and remove waste
Catabolism breaks down larger molecules into smaller ones, releasing energy
Anabolism builds larger, more complex molecules from smaller ones
Liver plays a central role in regulating metabolism
Insulin is involved in glucose uptake and storage in metabolism
Simple–Squamousepithelium, contain single layer of flat, scale like resemble tiled floor. Thus, it lines the air sacs of lung, in kidneys, blood vessels and lymph vessels.
Simple – cuboidal epithelium, Flat polygon that covers the surface of ovary, lines the anterior surface of lens of the eye, retina & tubules of kidney
Simple – columnar epithelium, Similar to simple cuboidal. It is modified in several ways depending on location & function. It lines the gastro -intestinal tract gall bladder, excretory ducts of many glands. It functions in secretions, absorption, protection & lubrication
According to the arrangement of layers covering and lining epithelium is grouped into: simple epithelium, stratified epithelium, and pseudo-stratified epithelium
TYPES OF SIMPLE EPITHELIUM: Stratified squamous, Stratified cuboidal, Stratified columnar
TYPES OF STRATIFIED EPITHELIUM: Stratified squamous, Stratified cuboidal, Stratified columnar
Stratified Squamous epithelium: the outer cells are flat.
Stratified Squamous epithelium is subdivided in to two based on presence of keratin: Non -Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Non-Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is found in wet surface that are subjected to considerable wear and tear. Example: - Mouth, tongue and vagina.
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium - the surface cell of this type forms a tough layer of material containing keratin. Example: skin.
Keratin- is a waterproof protein, resists friction and bacterial invasion.
Stratified cuboidal epithelium, rare type of epithelium. - It is found in sweat glands duct, conjunctiva of eye, and cavernous urethra of the male urogenital system, pharynx & epiglottis. - Its main function is secretion.