The Court-Made up of noblemen who acted as the monarchs advisors and friends
What did the Noblemen act like with Elizabeth
They acted like her advisors and friends
Member's of the court could also be a part of the Privy council
Justices Of The Peaces- Large landowners that were appointed by government
JP'S- Helped keep law and order locally and heard court cases
Lord Lieutenants- noblemen, appointed by government
Lord Lieutenants What they did- Governed English counties and raised the local militia
Militia- A force of ordinary people
Privy Council- members of the nobility
Parliament- Made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons
The Queen had to agree with what Parliament said or it would be dissolved
90% of the population of Elizabethan England lived in the countryside
10% of Elizabethan England lived in the towns
Who is in the Countryside- 1. Nobility- Major landowners often Lords, Dukes and earls
Countryside- 2.- The Gentry- Owned smaller estates
The Countryside- 3.- Yeoman Farmers- Owned a small amount of land
Countryside-4.- Tenant Farmers- rented land from the yeoman farmers and the gentry men
Countryside-5.-Landless and Laboring Poor- They did not own or rent land and had to work or labour to provide themselves and their families.
Countryside- 6.- Homeless and Vagrants- Moved form place to place looking for work
Who lives in towns- 1.- Merchants- Traders who were very wealthy
Towns-2.- Professionals- Lawyers, Doctors and clergymen
Towns- Business Owners- Highly skilled Craftsmen such as silversmiths goldsmiths or carpenters.
Towns-4.- Craftsmen- skilled employees including apprentices
Towns-5.- Unskilled Labourers and Unemployed- Regular work and could not provide for their families
Problems Elizabeth Faced when she became Queen- 1.- Was 21yrs old and lacked experience
Problems when she became queen- 2.- Government needed money and were in debt
Problems She faced when becoming Queen-3.- To pass laws she needed support from the parliament.
Problems she faced when becoming Queen- 4.- Legitimacy was in doubt as the pope refused to recognize her mothers marriage to HenryVIII
Problems she faced when becoming Queen- 5.- Catholics refused to see acknowledge Elizabeth's right to rule England
Problems she faced when becoming Queen- 6.- She was Protestant and Mary was Catholic.
Problems she faced when becoming Queen- 7.- She was unmarried and was unusual because at that time women had to follow men's authority
Problems of Marriage-1.- If she married a protestant the Catholics would be angry and wouldn't accept the marriage.
Problems of Marriage-2. Crown was in debt of £300000 This could involve in Expensive wars
Virgin Queen: Character and Strengths- "She was Confident and Charismatic-enabled her to win over her subjects and receive support in Parliament
Character and Strengths-2.- was resilient-Cope with the pressure of being Queen
Character and Strengths- 3.- was well educated and spoke several language's such as: Latin, Greek, French and Italian
Character and Strengths-4.-Had an excellent grasp of politics understood the interest and ambition of her subjects
Character and Strengths-5.- However Elizabeth was Protestant the No. Of Protestants grew making her position as Queen more secure
Financial Weaknesses in 1558-1.- The Crown Had an annual income of only £286667
Challenges Abroad-France, Scotland and Spain 1558- France was wealthier than England and had a bigger population. MQS Elizabeth's cousin married the French heir. Which means that she had a stronger claim to the throne