Cards (6)

  • What is a behavioural characteristic?
    how the person behaves when they encounter the phobic stimulus
  • what is an emotional characteristic?
    how the person feels when they encounter the phobic stimulus
  • what is a cognitive characteristic?
    what the person thinks about the phobic stimulus
  • What are the behavioural characteristics of phobias?
    PANIC - eg crying, screaming, running
    AVOIDANCE - Making the conscious effort to avoid the phobic stimulus, eg not going to a park incase there are dogs
  • What are the emotional characteristics of phobias?
    FEAR - A strong immediate unpleasant response
    ANXIETY - a long-term unpleasant state of high arousal, that prevents relaxation. feeling "on-edge"
  • What are the cognitive characteristics of phobias?
    SELECTIVE ATTENTION - they will focus on the phobic stimulus and nothing else
    IRRATIONAL BELIEFS - They may have a faulty scheme about the phobic stimulis , eg someone with social phobia may think everyone is judging them.
    COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS - unrealistic thinking about the phobic stimulis