B3: Infection & Response

Cards (45)

  • The immune system is made up of cells, tissues, organs, and proteins that work together to defend the body against pathogens.
  • Four ways in disease caused by pathogens can spread: through air, through water, direct contact, and through vectors
  • A pathogen is a microorganism that causes disease
  • A vaccine contains a small quantity of dead or innactive pathogen
  • Antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses
  • New drugs are tested in clinical trials to see if they are safe and effective.
  • New drugs are tested to check if they are safe and effective
  • Antibodies recognise and bind to antigens on the surface of pathogens
  • Painkillers are used to treat the symptom, not the cause of the pain.
  • It is difficult to treat viral diseases as antibiotics cannot cure them
  • The body's immune system can be boosted by vaccination
  • The four main types of pathogens are: Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and Protists
  • A vector is an organism that can spread a disease
  • The two types of white blood cells are: Phagocytes (cells that engulf and destroy foreign particles) Lymphocytes (cells that produce antibodies)
  • An antigen is any substance that causes an immune reaction
  • Monoclonal antibodies are identical antibodies produced by B lymphocytes
  • Monoclonal antibodies are used for pregnancy testing and anti-cancer drugs
  • A problem of using monoclonal antibodies is that they have more side effects than expected
  • Antigens are injected into a small animal to fuse a B lymphocyte with a tumour cell to create a hyrbidoma, that then produces monoclonal antibodies
  • Phagocytosis is when white blood cells engluf pathogens and then digest them
  • White blood cells perfom phagocytosis, produce antitoxins and antibodies.
  • Antibodies, produced by the white blood cells, lock onto the antigen on the outside of the pathogen
  • Placebo is a substance that is like the drug, but does not do anything
  • The skin acts like a barrier to pathogens
  • Hair and mucus trap particles
  • The stomac contains hydrochloric acid to kill any pathogens that enter the body, via the mouth
  • Viruses live inside your cells, where they replicate. They then burst out of the cell and infect other cells.
  • Bacteria produce toxins that make you feel ill, damaging your cells and tissue
  • Viral diseases include: Measles, HIV, and Tobacco Mosiac Virus (TMV)
  • Measles is spread by droplets of liquid, from sneezes, coughs, etc
  • Symptoms of measles include: fever, cough, red skin rash, and red eyes
  • HIV is spread by sexual contact or exchanging bodily fluids
  • HIV attacks the immune system, and can be controlled by antiviral drugs
  • TMV affects plants. It causes yellowing of leaves and stunted growth.
  • TMV stops the plant from carrying out photosynthesis
  • Malaria is caused by a protis. It is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito
  • Rose black spot is caused by a fungus and spread by the wind or water
  • Bacterial diseases include: Samonella and Gonorhhoea
  • Salmonella causes food poising.
  • Symptoms of samonella include: diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, stomach cramps