Cards (37)

  • Barrel
    Capacity of the chest or trunk
  • Brisket
    Mass of connective tissue, muscle, and fat covering the cranioventral part of the ruminant chest between the forelegs.
  • Cannon or shin bone

    Third and fourth metacarpal/metatarsal of the ruminant
  • Coffin Joint
    Distal interphalangeal joint, or between P2 and P3 in ungulates
  • Crest
    Dorsal margin of the neck
  • Dewclaw
    Accessory claw of the ruminant foot that projects caudally from the fetlock
  • Dewlap
    Loose skin under the throat and neck, which may become pendulous in some breeds
  • Dock
    Solid part of the tail
  • Elbow
    Forelimb joint formed by the distal humerus, proximal radius, and proximal ulna.
  • Fetlock joint
    Metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joint, or the joint between the cannon bone and P1, in ungulates
  • Flank
    Side of the body between the ribs and ilium
  • Forearm
    Part of the foreleg supported by the radius and ulna, between the elbow and the knee
  • Forehead
    Region of the head between the eyes and ears
  • Heart girth
    Circumference of the chest just caudal to the shoulders and cranial to the back
  • Heel
    Caudal region of the hoof that has an area of soft tissue called the bulb
  • Hock or tarsus
    Tarsal joint
  • Hoof
    Hard covering of the digit of ungulates
  • Hoof wall
    Hard, horny outer layer of the covering of the digit in ungulates
  • Hooks
    Protrusion of the wing of the ilium on the dorsolateral area of ruminants.
  • Knee
    Carpus in ungulates
  • Loin
    Lumbar region of the back, between the thorax and pelvis
  • Muzzle
    Two nostrils, including the skin and fascia, and the muscles of the upper and lower lip
  • Paralumbar fossa
    Hollow area of the flank whose boundaries are the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae (dorsally), the last rib (cranially), and the thigh muscles (caudally).
  • Pastern joint
    Proximal interphalangeal joint, or the joint between P1 and P2 in ungulates
  • Pedal
    Pertaining to the foot
  • Pins
    Protrusion of the ischium bones just lateral to the base of the tail in ruminants
  • Poll, occiput, nuchal crest
    Top of the head
  • Quarter
    One of the four glands in the cow's udder
  • Shoulder
    Region around the large joint between the humerus and scapula
  • Sole
    Palmar and plantar surface of the hoof; bottom of the hoof
  • Stifle joint
    Femorotibial and femoropatellar joint in quadrupeds
  • Switch
    Tuft of hair at the end of the tail
  • Tail
    Caudal part of the vertebral column extending beyond the trunk
  • Tail head
    Base of the tail where it connects to the body
  • Teat
    Nipple of mammary gland
  • Toe
    Cranial end of the hoof
  • Udder
    Mammary gland