Approaches in Psychology AQA

Cards (172)

  • Negative Evaluation point of CBT?
    Not appropriate for everyone- severe cases- can't engage if no.motivation.

    CBT is difficult to evaluate- found that use of measurement scales to assess CBT produced different measures of improvement amount patients.

    Not suitable for patients who cant talk about their Feelings.
  • Positive Evaluation points for CBT?
    It's effective

    Research- March et al
    Compared effects of CBT with drugs and a combination of the two. 86% of both significantly improved. - First choice for NH S

    Better therapist = better treatment.

    Effective for mild depression from becoming serve.
  • What study looked at CBT?

  • What is Ellis' REBT?
    Extension of the ABC model.

    D- disrupting irrational thoughts- encouraged to create alternative positive thoughts

    E- effects of the new beliefs and attitudes that emerge

    F- feelings and emotional response that arises.

    Involves homework tasks
    Puts them in situations they wish to avoid
    To become more active and take part in a pleasurable activity
  • What's Beck's cognitive Theory?
    Application of the Negative Triad to identify about world self and future.

    Wants to challenge and eliminate them.

    Therapists question patients and test their reality of negative beliefs. -Helps them realise the irrationality of them.

    Homework is often set.
  • What is CBT thought of in terms as a therapy?
    An umbrella for other therapies including REBT
  • What is involved in CBT?
    Challenges thoughts directly to change them to positive.

    They put a list of goals they wish to achieve.
  • What does CBT rely on between therapist and client?
    Good relationship and motivation to do well.
  • Why isnt CBT and easy option?
    Time consuming and Expensive
  • What is CBT?
    Application of Beck's cognitive theory

    Most commonly used for psychological treatment of depression.

    Not an easy option- time consuming and expensive

    Relies on a good relationship between client and therapist.

    Client and therapist put a list together of goals they wish to receive on the therapy and work to reach them.

    Therapists often use CBT and REBT to remove negative clients.
  • What does the Cognitive treatments for depression focus on?
    Affect- feelings of the client

    Behaviour- actions of client

    Cognition- thoughts of client
  • What are the aims of these therapies?
    Aims to change the way a client thinks.
    (Turn negative to positive)

    Challenges irrational and maladaptive thought processes.

    Should lead to a change in behaviour as a response on new thinking patterns.
  • What are the cognitive treatments for depression?
    Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT)

    Rational emotive behavioural therapy (REBT)
    Treatment of negative automatic thoughts (TNAT)
  • Negative Evaluation points of Ellis' ABC Model?
    Only explains reactive depression and when there is only an obvious cause= limited.

    Doesn't explain all aspects- It doesn't explain the anger associated with it or some cases of hallucinations.
  • Positive points of ABC Ellis model?
    Practical applications- in CBT which supports this which challenges irrational negative beliefs can lead to reduction of depression.
  • What are examples of 'must'abatory thinking?
    I must be approached of

    I must do well or succeed.

    I must be happy, else I die
  • What does the ABC model explain about depression?
    This is not what causes depression but how they deal with it.
    'Must' thinking a term coined by ellis to describe absolutist thinking is the kind of thinking.

    This gives rise to extreme frustration/anger/depression.

    This 'must' thinking leads to irrational thinking.
  • What is Ellis' ABC model?
    A-Activating event- something happens in the environment around you

    B-Beliefs- irrational or rational which you hold about the situation

    C-Consequence- either a healthy or unhealthy negative emotions which is the response to belief.
  • What are the Negative Evaluation points about depression?
    Depression thought to be more complex than just basic symptoms that the negative triad identifies. Doesn't explain cases of extreme anger or hallucinations.
  • What are the positive evaluation points of Becks Negative Triad?
    Evidence to support-
    Boury et al- monitored students negative thoughts with Becks depression Inventory, finding that depressive misinterpret facts and experiences in a negative way and feel hopeless for the future.

    Formed the Basis of CBT- has practical applications- translates well into a successful therapy where all the Cognitive explanations can be identified.
  • What is Becks Negative Triad based on the concept of?

    These Schemas dominate thinking and are triggered in situations that are similar to those in which the Negative schemas were learned.

    this is along with cognitive biases. The pessimistic view of depressives becomes self-fulfilling prophecy and lead to cognitive bias.
  • What what is Beck's Negative Triad?

    -Negative views about world
    'Everyone hates me because im worthless'

    -Negative views about the future
    'I'll never be good at anything because everyone hates me'

    -Negative Views about Oneself
    'I am worthless
  • What are the Cognitive explanations for depression?
    Focuses on how thinking shapes out behaviour. depression is seen as being caused by negative and irrational thought processes and so to cure depression this must be reversed.

    Beck's Negative Triad

    Ellis' ABC Model.
  • What are the Cognitive characteristics of depression?
    Reduced concentration

    Poor memory

    Negative and irrational thoughts
  • What are the emotional characteristics of depression?
    Lack of enthusiasm/interest/ pleasure in usual activities


    Self-directed anger

    Feelings of worthlessness/ self-reproach. Excessive and Inappropriate guilt
  • What are the behavioural characteristics for depression?
    Poor appetite and weight loss or opposite

    Reduced sleep or opposite

    Reduced energy levels (lethargic) or Psychomotor agitation (struggle to relax)

    Poor personal hygiene
  • What needs to be shown for depression to be diagnosed?
  • Who are more likely to suffer from depression?
    Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression (Particualrly in adolescence due to low self-esteem)
  • What is Depression?
    An effective mood disorder that involves lengthy disturbance of emotions.
  • What is a negative point for flooding?
    Highly traumatic experience- patients often unwilling to see it through (money and time wasted)
  • What is the positive point for flooding?
    Cost-effective- Compared to other treatments flooding is more cost effective.
    Quickest method.

    Patients are free of their symptoms sooner so it is cheaper.
  • What must the patient provide if they are undergo flooding?
    Fully informed consent with the choice of Systematic Desensitisation or flooding for ethical considerations.
  • Why is flooding effective?
    No option of avoidance behaviour so the patient quickly learns that the phobic stimulus is harmless.
  • What is Flooding?
    Exposing patients to their phobic stimulus straight away. Immediate exposure and v.scary.
  • What are the negative points for Systematic Desensitisation?
    It takes a very long time. Usually done over a month

    Expensive- takes several sessions

    Waiting list for NHS
  • What are the positive points for Systematic Desensitisation?
    It is effective in reducing anxiety experienced in the presence of phobic stimulus.
    Effects can be long-lasting (Gilroy)
    Suitable for a wide range of patients and is more commonly accepted by patients rather than other treatments. Less trauma and stress involved.
  • What is Exposure in terms of Systematic Desensitisation?
    While in a relaxed state the patient is exposed to phobic stimulus ; occurs over several sessions. When they can stay relaxed at a step they move up the hierarchy.
  • What is Relaxation Techniques in terms of Systematic Desensitisation?
    Therapist teaches sufferer how to relax deeply. Can be breathing or mental imagery techniques. Drugs like Valium may also be used. As well as mediation.
  • What is an Anxiety Hierarchy in terms of Systematic Desensitisation?

    Put together by therapist and patient.
    A list of situations related to phobic stimulus that provoke anxiety in ascending order.
    Starts- Sufferer imagines scenario
    End- Suffer in contact with scenario
  • What are the steps for Systematic Desensitisation?
    1. Anxiety hierarchy
    2. Relaxation techniques
    3. Exposure