Psychologists call it with other names such as_______.
Self-verbalization or self-statement
The Latin prefix inter- means _____.
This may occur in dyads or small groups, also known as _____.
Group communication
However, if the objective is to achieve something at the end of the conversation, it becomes ____.
It involves the use of electronic media.
Extended communication
The focus is on the role that communication plays in organizational contexts.
Organizational communication
What are the two types of organizational structure?
Formal and informal
Formal structure use 4 approaches like downward communication, upward communication, horizontal communication, and _____.
Crosswise communication
It is the type that flows from upper to lower positions.
Downward communication
It is bottom-up in which subordinates send communication to their superior bearing their views/feedback on organizational policies, issues related to their jobs, and the like.
Upward communication
It is lateral in approach as it takes place among people belonging the same level but coming from different departments or units to facilitate the performance of tasks through proper coordination.
Horizontal communication
It is diagonal in nature as employees from different units or departments working at various levels communicate with each other.
Crosswise approach
This organizational structure allows communication to take place via designated channels of message flow between positions in the organization.
This organizational structure comes from unofficial channels of message flow.
Informal communication knowns as what?
It is communication between or among people having different linguistics, religious, ethnic, social, and professional backgrounds.
Intercultural communication
According to Purpose and Style,_____ employs a formal language delivered orally or in written form.
Formal communication
According to Purpose and Style,____ involves personal and ordinary conversations with friends, family members, or acquaintances about anything under the sun.