Cards (20)

  • It means an idea, intellectual activity, and body of knowledge
    • science
  • Scientific revolution - The period of enlightenment when the developments in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the views of society about nature
    • When the scientific revolution begun? 16th - 18th century
  • Where was scientific revolution started? - Europe 
  • His idea was heliocentric - Nicolaus Copernicus 
  • His theory was Evolution by natural selection - Charles darwin
  • It means earth is the center of the solar system? - Geocentric
  • He was the father of psychoanalysis - Sigmund freud 
  • Where was the 5 year voyage of HMS Beagle? - Galapagos island
  • He is a renaissance man - Nicolaus copernicus 
  • The most famous civilization in Mesoamerica - Maya civilization
  • In this civilization, education was mandatory - Aztec civilization
  • Inca civilization used this to keep data - quipu
  • The agricultural farming of aztec - Chinampa
  • A ruler designed by the people of Indus Valley Civilization to standardized the  measurement of length to a high degree of accuracy - Mohenjo daro ruler
  • Al gebra is derive from the word - Al-jbr
  • The oldest known mathematical artifact from africa - Lebombo bone
  • Chi means -mouths
  •  Chen means - well
  • Itza means - Maya tribe