Cards (126)

  • anaerobic
    working in the absence of of enough or without oxygen
  • antagonist
    acts to produce the opposite action of the agonist
  • blood pressure
    systolic - heart contracting
    diastolic - heart relaxing
  • capillary
    one cell thick blood vessel that allows the exchange of materials between the blood and the tissues of the body
  • adduction
    movement towards the midline of the body
  • carbohydrate
    the body’s preferred energy source
  • agility
    the ability to move and change direction quickly whilst maintaining control
  • cardiac cycle

    the process of the heart going through the stages of systole and diastole in the atria and ventricles 
  • ability
    inherited, stable traits that determine an individuals potential to learn or acquire a skill
  • cardiac output
    the amount of blood ejected from the heart in one minute stroke volume x heart rate
  • arousal
    a physical and mental state of alterness and readiness, varying from deep sleep to intense excitement/alterness
  • cardio vascular endurance
    the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles
  • aerobic training zone
    220-age (maximum HR)60-80% of maximum HR
  • altitude
    a geographical area which is 2,000m above sea level
  • circuit training
    a series of exercise stations whereby periods of work are followed by periods of rest
  • altitude sickness
    nausea caused by training at altitude
  • circumduction
    turning or circular motion around a joint 
  • aerobic
    exercise in the presence of or using oxygen 
  • closed season (post season)

    period of rest to recuperate players doing gentle aerobic exercise to maintain general fitnessfully rested and ready for pre-season training
  • backflow
    the flowing backwards of the blood. valves in the veins prevent this from happening
  • commercialisation
    to manage or exploit in a way designed to make a profit e.g. sponsorships 
  • coordination
    the ability to use two or more body parts smoothly 
  • amateur
    takes part in activity as a hobby, rather than for financial gain
    has another main job outside the sport takes part for fun
    could be at a lower level
  • continuous training
    involves working for a sustained period of time without rest. this improves cardiovascular fitness.
  • axis
    • longitudinal - head to toe
    • transverse - through the hips
    • sagittal - through the belly button
  • deep breathing
    relaxation technique which involves a performer exaggerating their breaths in and out
  • artery
    blood vessel with small lumen and thick muscular walls. carries blood away from the heart 
  • dehydration
    excessive loss of body water interrupting the function of the body 
  • aggression
    a deliberate intent to harm or injure another person, which can be physical or mental
  • direct aggression
    aggressive act which involves physical contact with others e.g. a punch
  • alveoli
    air sacs in the lungs 
  • delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS)
    the pain felt in the muscles the day after exercise
  • adrenaline
    natural hormone released to speed up the heart rate
  • dorsiflexion
    raising the toes towards the tibia
  • competition season
    playing season
    taking part in matches every week
    maintenance of fitness related to activity but not too much training as it may cause fatigue, which would decrease performance concentration on skills/set plays to improve team performance 
  • excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)

    amount of oxygen needed after exercise to recover
    enables lactic acid to be converted to glucose, oxygen and water
    explains why we continue to breathe deeply and quickly after exercise.
  • expire
    breathe out
  • extrinsic feedback
    received from outside the performer e.g. the coach 
  • extension
    movement that causes the angle at a joint decreases 
  • extrinsic motivation
    the drive to perform well or to win in order to gain external rewards