Effective Communication - begins with a clearly organized set of ideas following a logical consistent pattern.
Signal words - In determining the pattern of development in a text, you should consider it.
Definition Pattern - Tells the readers what term or context in being defined. It may be formal or informal in giving definition of a term or context.
Definition Pattern - Commonly used in Science, Humanities, and Business.
Definition Pattern common signal words:
Definition Pattern probing questions:
What isit?
What are its limits?
Exemplification Pattern - Presents the general statement and then provides specific and concrete examples to expound on the main idea.
Exemplification Pattern - Provides typical cases or examples.
Exemplification Pattern - Spider Map or Semantic Map graphic organizer is useful for this pattern.
Spider/Semantic Map - the main idea is placed along its diagonal line while the details of the main idea are placed on the side of the diagonals.
Exemplification Pattern - If write all the information from the semantic map, and put it in a paragraph.
Exemplification Pattern probing question:
Chronology/Procedure Pattern - Organizes ideas or event according to time. Can either be in the form of narration or a process. And, some writers consider this also as a narration pattern.
Narrate - you try to tell a story and you are relating series of events.
Chronology/Procedure Pattern common signal words:
Chronology/Process Pattern Guides:
Writing Biologies
Narrating Process
Description Pattern - Gives information of what a person, an object, a place, or a situation is like.
Description Pattern - Appeals to reader's senses.
Description Pattern - Should have concrete and specific details.
Description Pattern - This pattern makes the reader see, hear, taste, smell, or feel the subject from the text.
Description Pattern - If you describe a thing, see to it that a reader can paint a picture in the mind based on your description.
Descriptive Paragraphs writing genres:
Literary analyses
Descriptive essays
Business plans
Laboratory reports
Research papers
Description Pattern probing questions:
What does itlooklike?
What are its characteristics?
Comparison and Contrast - when the similarities and differences of two or more things are explored.
Comparison and Contrast - Venn Diagram is the best graphic organizer to use in this pattern.
Cause and Effect Pattern - Focuses on the cause, reason, and the result of consequences of a certain phenomenon.
Cause - why something happens.
Effect - what happens
Cause and Effect Pattern - Fishbone map is the best graphic organizer to use in this pattern.
Cause and Effect Pattern - with this pattern, the writer can explain how an event or action leads to another.
Cause and Effect Pattern probing questions:
Why did it happen?
What causedit?
What does it cause?
What are itseffects?
How is it related tosomethingelse?
Problem-Solution Pattern - organizes ideas into problems and offers solutions.
Problems - answers the wh questions.
Solutions - present the major effects of the problem.
Problem-Solution Pattern - Mostly, when you use this pattern, this requires more paragraph because you need to write details of the problem and the solution to it.
Classification-divisionPattern - Classify and Categorize or create divisions.
Classify - sorting or arranging things.
Categorize or create divisions - according to common or shared characteristics.
Persuasion Pattern - shows how a set of evidence leads to logical conclusion or argument.
Persuasion Pattern - Presents the issue, position, and the supporting evidence.