Working Memory Model

    Cards (9)

    • Proposed by Baddeley and Hitch to account for the limitations of the MSM.
    • Central Executive
      Allocates tasks to the memory 'slave' systems.
      Can process any type of information.
      Limited capacity.
      Allows us to swap between tasks and focus on the most demanding.
    • Phonological loop
      Deals with auditory information and helps use to preserve the order of information.
      Capacity of 2 seconds.
    • Phonological loop: Phonological store

      Codes our perception of sounds.
    • Phonological loop: Articulatory loop

      Coding of words seen or heard (sub-vocal repetition).
    • Visuospatial Sketchpad: Visual Cache
      Codes information about colour and form.
    • Visuospatial Sketchpad: Inner scribe
      The arrangement of spatial information/memory of visual fields.
    • Visuospatial Sketchpad
      Capacity of 3-4 objects.
    • Episodic Buffer

      Storage component of the CE, added in 2000.
      The 'convenience store': holds and merges together information from LTM, CE, Visual and Audio.
      Helps us work out how things relate.
      Capacity of 4 chunks.