detecting electrical activity

Cards (5)

  • Muscles contract in response to nervous impulses, which are electrical signals
  • Electrical signals in muscles can be detected by electrodes placed on the skin, connected to a computer to monitor the signals
  • The procedure to monitor electrical signals in muscles is called electromyography (EMG)
    • Lifting a weight increases the amplitude of the trace on the graph, indicating more motor units are required
    • Muscle fatigue occurs when the muscle can no longer contract as forcefully
    • Fatigue is shown on the electromyogram by an increase in the amplitude of the trace, as the brain tries to activate more motor units to generate force
  • To carry out the procedure:
    • Attach two electrodes to the muscle you want to record from (e.g., biceps muscle in the arm)
    • Place a third electrode on an inactive point (e.g., bony wrist area) as a control
    • Switch off unnecessary electrical equipment to reduce interference
    • Connect electrodes to an amplifier and a computer to monitor signals
    • Keep the muscle relaxed to see a straight line on the electromyogram
    • Contract the muscle to see spikes in the graph as motor units activate