Cards (18)

  • The transistor with the lowest noise figure in the microwave region is a MESFET
  • Transit-time noise becomes of great importance at frequencies
  • The solar cycle repeats the period of great electrical disturbance approximately every 11 years
  • The square of the thermal noise voltage generated by a resistor is proportional to:
    • Its resistance
    • Its temperature
    • The bandwidth over which it is measured
  • Noise occurring in the presence of signal resulting from a mismatch between the exact value of an analog signal and the closest available quantizing step in a digital coder is called quantizing noise
  • Impulse noise consists of irregular pulses of short duration and relatively high amplitude
  • Crosstalk is noise that occurs via capacitive or inductive coupling in a cable
  • Sources of impulse noise induced in communication channels include:
    • Erroneous digital coding bit caused by an error on a transmission facility
    • Transients due to relay operation
    • Crosstalk from DC signaling systems
  • Crosstalk due to incomplete suppression of sidebands or intermodulation of frequency-multiplexed channels is classified as miscellaneous noise
  • A psophometer is a device that measures the internal open circuit voltage of an equivalent noise generator with an impedance of 600Ω delivering noise power to a 600 Ω load
  • External noise originating outside the solar system is known as cosmic noise
  • Noise whose source is within the solar system is called solar noise
  • Noise density refers to the total noise power present in a 1-Hz bandwidth
  • Increased channel bandwidth is not a way of minimizing or eliminating noise
  • The primary cause of atmospheric noise is lightning
  • Noise coming from the sun and stars is referred to as space noise
  • Thunderstorms are the major cause of atmospheric or static noise
  • MESFET is a low noise transistor commonly used at microwave frequencies