The vegetativeparts of plant are roots, stem, leaves
In asexual reproduction, plants give rise to new plants withoutseeds
In sexual reproduction, plants give rise to new plants by seeds
Vegetative propagation is a type of asexualreproduction where new plants are produced from roots, stem, leaves, and buds
Axil is the pointofattachment of a leaf at the node
Node is the distinct part of the stem/branch at which a leaf arises
Bryophyllum has budsonthemargin of the leaf, and each bud can giverisetoanewplant if a leaf falls on moist soil
A cacti can produce new plants when its partsgetdetached from the main plant body, and each detachedpartcangrowintoanewplant
Plants produced by vegetative propagation grow faster and bear flowers and fruits earlier than those produced from seeds
Plants produced by asexualreproduction are exactcopies of the parentplant, as they are produced by a singleparent
Yeast reproduces by budding, where a bud gradually grows, gets detached from the parent, and produces more buds when mature
Algae grow and multiply rapidly by fragmentation, breaking up into 2 or more fragments that grow into new individuals when water and nutrients are available
Fungi on bread grow from spores released in the air, which germinate and develop into new individual plants
Mosses reproduce by means of spores
Stamens are the malereproductive part and pistils are the femalereproductive part of a flower
Unisexualflowers contain either stamen or pistil, while bisexual flowers contain bothstamenandpistil
Anther contains pollen grains with malegametes, and a pistil contains stigma, style, ovary, and ovules containing femalegametes
In sexualreproduction, male and female gametes fuse to form a zygote
Pollen grains are carried by wind, water, or insects for pollination, which is the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma of a flower
Self-pollination occurs when pollen lands on the stigma of the sameflower or anotherflower of the samekind, while cross-pollination occurs when pollen lands on the stigma of a flower of a differentplant of the samekind
Fertilization is the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote
After fertilization, the ovary grows into fruit, and otherparts of the plant fall off
Seeds contain embryos and are enclosed in a protective seed coat
Seeds have different dispersal mechanisms: wind-carried seeds are light or hairy, water carried have fibrousoutercoats for floating, seeds with hooks get attached to animals for transport, and seeds that burst scatter to far-off places
The reproductivepart of plant is flower
how can each bud give rise to new plant of bryophyllum give rise to new plant?
If the leaf falls on a moist soil
how can cacti give rise to new plants
when its parts get detached from the plant, detached part can grow into a new plant