what is the study of economic decision-making and the factors that affect it?
behavioural economics
behavioural economics applies scientific methods to understand the cognitive, emotional and social influences on the way we think about things such as money, goods, services, buying and selling
the classical view of behavioural economics is that people are rational and always make choices that increase their money or value
the ultimatum game: a game where participants are given a choice between two options, one of which is better than the other (splitting $1000 with someone)
loss aversion: the principle by which people are more sensitive to losses than to equivalent gains (the flu outbreak example)
loss aversion and framing effect shows that we prefer choices that are framed positively rather than negatively ($5 discount vs. avoid $5 surcharge)
mental accounting: principle by which we reason differently about money depending on the overall amounts (phone priced down a few blocks away example)
endowment effect: tendency to stay with what we have and to prefer it over other options (investments example)
sunk-cost fallacy: the result of our tendency to stick with those things we’ve already put a lot of time, energy, or money into although letting those go would be financially more reasonable (chris and his old car example)
methodological variety: attempt to develop objective science of behaviour
the goal of work in artificial intelligence is to build machines that perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence
AI and cognitive science: explore how humans do such intelligent tasks and develop algorithms for given machine capabilities
true or false: the more one knows, the more intelligent that person becomes?
the ability to learn from experience, acquire new knowledge and apply the best techniques to meet our goals is what makes us intelligence
which AI technique finds all the links to the answer (many different algorithms exist and the right one is chosen based on the problem, data, constraints and available resources)?
which AI technique gets feedback from previous work and tries to reduce error (machine learning methods)?
which AI technique generates usable knowledge from data by analytics (statistical and machine learning methods)?
knowledge acquisition/retrieval
which AI technique quickly finds the best decision where methods are rule-based, case-based, hybrid systems or apply multiple constraints satisfaction techniques?
decision making
cognitive simulation: simulate processes of the mind
what is step 1 of cognitive simulation?
find how humans do it
what is step 2 of cognitive simulation?
form a hypothesis
what is step 3 of cognitive simulation?
validate using human participants
what is step 4 of cognitive simulation?
implement it using the machine
intelligent agents: a computer program that can learn from experience and make decisions based on its knowledge
what is this?
turing's finite state machine (FSM)
what is this?
cognitive/IA model - kenneth craik
rule-based: decisions are guided by rules (e.g., expert systems)
case-based: decisions are guided by example cases or heuristics
expert systems employ knowledge (facts), logic (rules, in the form of an if-then structure), and algorithms or procedure for searching and choosing rules
blind searches contain no information about the layout of the problem space (an exhaustive search inspects each state to find a goal state)
a depth-first solution follows a search path to the end before moving on to another path
breadth-first search checks all the states you can reach in one step from the current position and then select one in a sequence and explore all the states you can get to next
evolutionary computing: applies concepts such as the fittest solution survives and reproduction algorithms generate new solutions
artificial neural network: modelled after the brain neural system where information comes from many sources and their interconnections and importance decide the final outcome
understanding a natural language involves an individual’s assimilation of linguistic expression in some form (speech or writing) extracting its meaning and undertaking some action that constitutes a response to this meaning
what stage of natural language processing is where the acoustic speech signal is analyzed to determine the sequence of spoken words?
speech recognition
what stage of natural language processing is where word sequence is analyzed via the use of knowledge of the language’s grammar?
syntactic analysis
what stage of natural language processing is where the sentence structure and meanings of the words are used to derive a partial representation of the meaning of a sentence?
semantic analysis
what stage of natural language processing is where it produces a complete meaning for the sentence via the application of contextual information?
pragmatic analysis
a chatterbot (talkbot, chatbot) is a computer program which conducts a conversation via auditory or textual methods