when do the fetal kidneys migrate from pelvis to their normal anatomical location?
9th week
at what age (in years) do the fetal kidneys migrate from pelvis to their normal anatomical location?
6 yrs old
in adults, where are the kidneys located?
which kidney sits more inferior?
right kidney
In relation to the left kidney, the• Left adrenal gland is superior• Spleen, stomach, and pancreas are anterior• Left colic flexure is inferior• Psoas muscle is posterior
In relation to the right kidney, the:• Right adrenal gland is superiomedial• Liver is superior and anterior• Right colic flexure is inferior• Morison's pouch is anterior
what are the normal measurements for kidneys?
9-12 cm x 5-7 cm x 2.5 cm
when should pathology be suspected in reference to the size of the contralateral kidneys?
if there's more than a 2 cm difference
list the layers of the kidneys from superficial to deep:
renalfascia (gerota'sfascia)
in relation to the renal hilum, list the anatomic position of each vessel:
renal artery: inbetweenvein and ureter
renal vein: anterior
ureter: posterior
the MRA is the 1st major lateral branches of the aorta
right MRA courses posterior to the IVC
the MRA located just inferior to the SMA
starting at MRA, list the arterial supply in order:
main renal artery
segmental artery
interlobar artery
arcuate artery
interlobular artery
which arteries play a role in supplying blood to the renal nephrons?
interlobular arteries
which segment vessels has more segments?
label the following:
A) aorta
B) ivc
C) sma
D) lrv
E) lt kidney
F) rt kidney
G) rrv
H) rra
I) lra
the functional unit of the kidney is called?
list the 2 main functions of nephrons
filter blood
produce urine
where are the nephrons located?
list the 2 main structures of a nephron
where is the glomerular capsule located?
where are the renal tubules located?
renalmedulla (pyramids)
where does blood filtration occur in the kidney?
renalcorpuscle via a series of capillaries called glomerulus
blood enters through the afferent arteriole and leaves through the efferent arteriole
the glomerulus is surrounded by what structure?
know the steps:
The stuff we want to get rid of (filtrate) from the blood goes into the proximalconvolutedtubule
Then, it goes through the LoopofHenle and into the distalconvolutedtubules
Many of these tubules come together to make a collectingtubule that carries urine into the collectingduct and out through the renalpapilla
know the steps:
As the filtrate moves through the tubules, substances needed by the body can reenter the bloodstream
Substances not needed by the body are kept in the collectingducts and form urine
what is urine composed of?
excesswater (95%)
urea (3%)
chloride, sodium, potassium, creatinine (1%)
what 2 locations are juxtaglomerular apparatus located?