Respiratory Ch 12

Cards (41)

  • Atelectasis
    Incomplete expansion,
    • collapsed, functionless, airless lung or portion of the lung
    • Caused by tumor or other obstruction of the bronchus or poor respiratory effort
  • Bronchiectasis
    Abnormal widening bronchial tubes
  • Bronchiolitis
    Inflammation of bronchiolitis
  • Bronchodilator
    Drug that causes widening of the bronchi, for example any of those taken by inhalation for the alleviation of asthma.
    An agent that opens bronchial tubes
  • Bronchospasm
    Involuntary muscular contractions in the bronchial tubes leading to narrowing of the bronchi
  • Cyanosis
    Abnormal condition of bluish coloration of the skin
  • Dysphonia
    An abnormal voice or sound produced by speaking
  • Epiglottis
    Thin piece of cartilage that covers the entrance to the voice box and windpipe when a person is swallowing
  • Expectoration
    Coughing up of mucus or sputum from the throat and respiratory tract
  • Pector/o
    Combining form = chest
  • Hypercapnia
    Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream
  • Capn/o
    Carbon Dioxide
  • Hypoxia
    Defininciey of oxygen in tissues
  • Laryngeal
    Inflammation of larynx, voice box
  • Lobectomy
    Removal of a lobe or a section of an organ such as the lung
  • Orthopnea
    Breathing is only comfortable when a patient is in an upright position
  • Pnea
  • Pleural Effusion
    • Pleur/o- pleura, membranesurrounding the lungs
    • Effusion- escape of fluid from the blood vessels or lymphatics into a cavity
    • Collection of fluid in the pleural cavity
  • Pneumothorax
    Presence of air or gas in the pleural cavity causing the lung to collapse
  • Pulmonary
    Pertaining to the lungs
  • Rhinoplasty
    Surgical repair of the nose
  • Rhinorrhea
    Discharge of mucus from the nose
  • Sinusitis
    Inflammation of paranasal sinuses
  • Thoracotomy
    Incision of the chest
  • Tonsillectomy
    Removal of tonsils
  • Tracheal Stenosis
    Narrowing of the trachea
  • Tracheotomy
    Incision of the trachea
  • PFT
    Pulmonary function tests
  • COPD
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • CPAP
    Continuous positive airway pressure
  • CPR
    Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
  • CXR
    Chest radiography/xray
  • DOE
    Dyspnea on exertion
  • ICU
    Intensive care unit
  • LLL
    Left lower lobe
  • LUL
    Left upper lobe
  • PE
    Pulmonary embolism
  • RDS
    Respiratory distress syndrome
  • RLL
    Right lower lobe
  • SOB
    Shortness of breath