Big Bang nucleosynthesis formed the light elements (H, He, and Li)
Stellar formation and evolution formed the elements heavier than Be to Fe
Stellar explosion, or supernova, formed the elements heavier than Fe
The formation of different elements involved many nuclear reactions, including fusion, fission, and radioactive decay
Proof of the formation of elements includes the amounts of H and He present in the universe today
Singularity is a point in space and/or a moment in time where the universe was infinitely hot and dense
Inflation is a theory of exponential expansion of space in the early universe, lasting from 10^-36 seconds
Nucleosynthesis refers to the creation of new atomic nuclei from pre-existing nucleons, primarily protons and neutrons
Recombination is the epoch at which charged electrons and protons first became bound to form electrically neutral hydrogen atoms
Annihilation is a reaction in which a particle and its antiparticle collide and disappear, releasing energy
Redshift is the displacement of spectral lines toward longer wavelengths in radiation from distant galaxies and celestial objects
Cosmic microwave background is electromagnetic radiation left over from an early stage of the universe in Big Bang cosmology
Atoms are the smallest unit of matter that have all the properties of an element, composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons
The atomic number indicates the number of protons in an atom, which is equal to the number of electrons in a neutral atom
The atomic mass is equal to the sum of the number of protons and neutrons
Isotopes refer to atoms with the same atomic number but different atomic masses
Ions, which are positively or negatively charged particles, have the same number of protons but a different number of electrons
The origin of all naturally occurring elements falls into two phases:
Big Bang or Primordial Nucleosynthesis: origin of the "light" elements
Stellar Nucleosynthesis: origin and production of the "heavy" elements
Nucleosynthesis is the process that creates new atomic nucleus from preexisting nucleons (protons and neutrons)
Primordial or Big Bang Nucleosynthesis refers to the process of producing the "light elements" shortly after the Big Bang
Through Nuclear Fusion, the light elements - Hydrogen (H), Helium (He), and small amounts of lithium (Li) and beryllium (Be) were formed
Isotopes produced during the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis were H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, and Li-7
Heavy elements were formed billions of years after the formation of stars
Stars are hot and dense enough to burn hydrogen-1 (1H) to helium-4 (4He)
Formation of heavy elements by fusion of lighter nuclei in the interior of stars is called "stellar nucleosynthesis"
There are many nuclear synthetic pathways or nuclear fusions to produce heavy elements:
Carbon-Nitrogen-oxygen cycle
Triple alpha process
Proton-proton fusion
Elements heavier than iron cannot be formed through fusion and are formed in a supernova, a massive explosion of a star
In a supernova, heavy elements are created by neutron capture reaction, where more neutrons are added to existing nuclei instead of fusion of light nuclei
Elements higher than iron require a tremendous amount of energy to be formed and were produced from a neutron capture reaction in a supernova
There are 3 reactions that led to the formation of the elements: nucleosynthesis, fusion, and neutron capture reaction
The reactions involved in the formation of elements are dependent on the atomic mass of the elements
More energy and higher temperature are needed to form heavier elements
Nucleosynthesis formed light elements, whereas fusion in stars formed elements with an atomic mass within the range of beryllium and iron
Elements with an atomic mass higher than iron were produced from a neutron capture reaction in a supernova