Finance can be determined as the science art of managing money (Gituman and Zutter, 2012)
Personal Level - concerne with individuals decisions about how much of their earning they save, spend, or invest.
Business Context - involves the same types of how finance raise money from investors, how they decrease whether to reinvest profits.
Finance - process that includes raising money or resources and allocating them effectively and efficiently to achieve goals.
Financial Management - study of investment, and study of institutions and markets.
Investors - buy stocks because they want something in return.
Financial Management deals with decisions that are supposed to maximize the value of shareholders' wealth.
Financial Management- decision making process that include planning, analysis, utilization, and acquisition of funds.
Risk and return - part of managing biz a thorough plan and analysis should be done to avoid or reduce risks to have good return.
Financial Management includes planning, organizing, controlling, and directing to acquire and utilize funds
Internal (source of finance) - does not increase debts of biz like profit or savings
External (source of finance) - provided by people or institutions outside
Shareholders - elects the board of directors (BOD). Each share is equal to one voting right. They buy shares to earn a profit in a form of dividend
Board of directors - highest position in a corporation. Some of their responsibilities and providing direction of the company setting policies on investment
President - supervises the company's operations and ensures that the strategies are well executed and planned
Vice President (Sales and Marketing) - formulate biz strategies and plans, directing, and coordinating rules, marketing environment, scanning or research that will allow company to increase sales.
Vice President (Administration) - responsible for the coordination of the different departments
Vice President (Production) - make sure that the production meets the demand, find ways to minimize producing competitive quality product, maximizes the utilization of production facilities
Vice President (Finance) - make decision modeling planning and acquiring, utilization of funds
Functions of finance manager
Investing decisions
Financing decisions
Operating decisions
Declaration of dividends
Financing decions- deals with managing the assets of the firm
Financing decions - making decions on how to finance the long term investments of the firm
Operating decisions - deals w working capital management
Declaration of dividends - refers to the determinations of dividends to be paid to shareholders.
Dividends- portion of profit or payment made by corporation to its shareholders
Company must have enough retained earnings to support dividend declaration
The company must have enough cash
Treasurer - responsible in managing the cash and credit financial planning and capital expenditures
Controlling- handles the tax payments, financial accounting
Role of financial manager- in striving to maximize owners, the manager make decisions involving planning, acquiring and utilizing funds involve of risk and return trade off (Cabrera, 2012).
Financial manager's decision making involves the following; analysis and planning, acquisition of funds, and utilization of funds.