Para Lab 1

Cards (13)

    A) Clinical Diagnosis
    B) signs and symptoms
    C) Laboratory Diagnosis
    D) parasites
    E) eggs, larvae, cysts,
    F) oocysts, trophozoites
    G) definitive dx
    H) host immune response
    I) antibody and antigen
    J) presumptive
    K) dx
    L) not
    M) demonstrable
    N) active infection
  • Blood specimens
    A) second commonly examined
    B) malarial parasites, filarial worms, trypanosomes,
    C) leishmanial & toxoplasma infections
    D) serum
    E) serologic tests
  • Purge and Enema Specimen
    A) Purged and Enema Specimen
    B) entamoeba
    C) histolytica
    D) cecal areas
    E) stool
    F) consistently negative
    G) strong clinical
    H) suspicion of intestinal amoebiasis
  • Purged and Enema Specimen
    A) Purgative Solution
    B) magnesium sulfate
    C) Epsom
    D) salts
    E) sodium sulfate
    F) Phosphosoda
  • Urine Specimen
    A) Urine Specimen
    B) Genital Specimen
    C) Schistosoma
    D) haematobium eggs
    E) microfilariae of Wuchereria
    F) Onchocerca
    G) Loa-loa
    H) Brugia
    I) Strongyloides larvae
    J) Urethral and vaginal discharge specimens
    K) prostatic secretions
    L) direct wet
    M) mount
    N) Trichomonas Vaginalis
  • Sputum Specimen
    A) Sputum Specimens
    B) trophozoites of entamoeba histolytica
    C) pleuropulmonary amoebiasis
    D) free scolices
    E) Echinococcus Granulosus
    F) pulmonary hydatid cyst
    G) Paragonimus Westermani
    H) lung flukes
    I) larvae of nematodes such as Ascaris
    J) Stronglyloides
    K) hookworms
    L) heart-lung route
  • Aspirates
    A) Protoscopic Aspirates
    B) scrapings
    C) amoebic ulcers
    D) lower
    E) sigmoid colon and rectum
    F) Duodenal Aspirates
    G) G. Lambia
    H) S.
    I) stercoralis
    J) f. buski
    K) cryptosporidium
    L) use of tubing
    M) duodenal
    N) intubation
    O) Entero-test-method
  • Aspirates
    A) Liver and Lung aspirates
    B) entamoeba histolytica
    C) direct wet mount
    D) permanent stained slides
  • Biopsy Materials
    A) Biopsy materials
    B) biopsy of skin
    C) superficial lymph
    D) nodes
    E) visceral organs
    F) liver
    G) histotechniques
  • Corneal Scrapings
    A) Corneal scrapings
    B) Acanthamoeba
    C) keratitis
    D) sterile airtight container
    E) non-nutrient agar plates
    F) Culbertson's medium
    G) E. coli
    H) calcoflour white stain
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid
    A) Cerebrospinal FLuid
    B) sterile fluids
    C) Naegleria
    D) Acanthamoeba
    E) Toxoplasma
    F) Trypanosoma
    G) meningitis
    H) lumbar puncture or lumbar tap
  • Mouth and Nasal Discharge
    A) Mouth and Nasal discharge
    B) E.
    C) gingivalis
    D) T. tenax
    E) oral mucosa and gingival
    F) Naegleria fowleri
  • Fecal Specimens
    A) Fecal (stool) Specimens
    B) most commonly examined
    C) intestinal parasites
    D) ova
    E) parasite
    F) detection