Revelation and Faith

Cards (37)

  • Everything we say about God is subject to reservation that our language is not equal to God’s greatness
  • Man can know by reason that God exists, but not what God is really like
  • God did not have to reveal himself to us, but he did it out of love
  • One can know something about the beloved person only if he opens his heart to us
  • From creation on, through the patriarchs and the prophets down to the definitive revelation in his son Jesus Christ, God has spoken again and again to mankind
  • Revelation means that God opens himself, shows himself, and speaks to the world voluntarily
  • God made covenants with Noah, Abraham, and Moses
  • With Noah, he establishes a covenant to save all living things
  • He calls Abraham as to make him the father of a multitude of nations and to bless all the families of the earth in him
  • Yahweh, means I am who I am
  • He frees Israel from slavery in Egypt, establishes a covenant with them on Sinai, and through Moses gives them the Law
  • But God so loved the world, that in the fullness of time, He sent His only Son to be our Saviour, like us in all things except sin
  • He is there in out abandonment, our sufferings, our fear of death
  • In Jesus Christ, God himself came to earth
  • The Sacred Scripture and the living tradition of the Church transmit to us the teachings of Jesus
  • God continues to manifest Himself today through the Holy Spirit in the Church
  • The Sacred Scriptures are the inspired record of how God dealt with His people and how they responded to, remembered, and interpreted that experience
  • The Bible was written by persons from the people of God, for the people of God, about the God-experience of the people of God
  • The books of Scripture firmly, faithfully, and without error teach the truth… Written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as the author
  • The message of the Bible can never be outdated
  • Inspiration in Latin is Inspiratio meaning inbreathing
  • The Old and New Testaments were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit so that we can call God their author and the Bible the Word of God
  • Canon in Greek is Kanon meaning measuring rod, rule, or norm
  • Canon is the authoritative collection of Sacred Scriptures in the Old and New Testament ls of the Bible
  • The Old Testament has 46 books while the New Testament has 27 books
  • Testament in Latin is Testamentum meaning covenant or will
  • In the Old Testament, God reveals himself as the Creator and Preserver of the world and as the leader and instructor of mankind
  • The New Testament is the second part of the complete Bible
  • The four Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the centerpiece of Sacred Scripture and the most precious treasure of the Church
  • The Magisterium in Latin is Magister meaning teacher namely Pope and Bishops
  • The Magisterium is a term for the mandate of the Catholic Church
  • To be a Christian means to unite oneself ever more deeply with the life of Christ
  • One must read and live the Gospels
  • Creed from the Latin word Credo means “I believe”
  • Everything is possible to one who has faith
  • Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed
  • The Apostle’s Creed is a faithful summary of what the Apostles believed