Representatives should consider their constituents point of view as well as their own. Constituents should trust their representatives to make the best decision and convey their views.
Essentially allows MPs to do whatever they want
Burkean evidence
Nick Boles voted against his party on Brexit, supporting remain as that was what his constituents wanted, putting national interest above party interests
Boles quit after his 'soft' Brixit plan failed - following Burke's principle of 'representatives owe you'
Moral votes are rarer now due to whips and the party system but there are still some 'votes of conscience' - 2013 Marriage Act - or free votes that allows MPs to choose how they vote - no party lines
Criticism of Burkean Theory
In a system of representative democracy as MPs don't have to represent their constituents and can do what they like
Whips also ensure MPs vote with the party
Delegate theory
Representatives should enact the views of their constituents - they are essentially a mouthpiece
Delegate theory evidence
John McDonell opposed Heathrow's 3rd runway against his government due to the implications on his constituents due to disruption and noise
Ken Clarke voted against triggering Article 50 (Brexit - all EU deals would be nullified after the negotiation period) as his constituency voted to remain
Criticism of Delegate Theory
It is difficult for MPs to know the views of everyone in their constituency and it is difficult to represent everyone's views - usually represent majorities
Mandate Theory
Representatives vote based on the party manifesto or on party lines. Whips enforce MPs' party loyalty and they can be removed from the party if they break the whip
Mandate theory evidence
Frank Field left the Labour Party and lost his seat after running as an independent - people usually vote for a party rather than an individual MP as seats in the Commons indicate which party will form government. Most people know the party of their local MP but not the MP
Mandate theory explanation
3-line whip means that MPs rarely choose their own vote, meaning party supercedes person