Democritus (460 BC) - Proposed the existence of the atom
Aristotle - Did not think there was a limit to the number of times matter could be divided, thought all substances were built up from only four elements
John Dalton (1766-1844) - All substances are made of atoms that cannot be created, divided, or destroyed, atoms of the same element are exactly alike, atoms of different elements are different in mass and size
J.J. Thomson (1856-1940) - Atoms contain negatively charged particles called electrons and positively charged matter
Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) - Small, dense, positively charged particle present in nucleus called a proton, electrons travel around the nucleus, but their exact places cannot be described
Neils Bohr (1913) - Electrons travel around the nucleus in definite paths and fixed distances, electrons can jump from one level to a path in another level
Erwin Schrodinger (1924) - The exact path of electrons cannot be predicted, the region referred to as the electron cloud, is an area where electrons can likely be found
James Chadwick (1932) - Neutrons have no electric charge