EDUC 709

Cards (44)

     administration, scoring and interpretation (procedure) designed to elicit information about performance in a sample of particular area of behavior
    = the testing process includes mechanism:
    1. Selecting a set of items or test questions
    2. Specifying the conditions under which the test is administered
    3. Developing a system of scoring or interpreting responses
  • TEST = is a tool, set of questions (item) administered during a fixed period of time under comparable conditions for all students. Tool used to measure a construct (idea concept, mental abstraction, conceptual instrument) using indicators.
  • TEST
    = examination of assessment designed to measure the learners acquire knowledge and skills. 
    = test vary in 
    1. Content
    2. Format
    3. Administration procedures
    4. Scoring
    5. Interpretation procedures
    6. Technical quality = reliability/ validity 
  • ASSESSMENT = comes from the latin word “assidere” which means “to sit beside a judge”. This implies that assessment is tied up with evaluation. 
    Used to gather information about student performance (miller, Linn & Gronlund, 2009). Pertains to all “activities undertaken by teachers - and by their students in assessing themselves - that provide information to be used to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged” (black and William, 1998)
    = Students' peer evaluation
     Ex.multiple choice, test, completion test, essays, practical exam, papers/reports, projects, questionnaires, investories, checklist, etc. 
    = the progress and achievements of a learner is measured or judges in compliance with specific quality criteria 
    = “ how well does the individual perform”
    Multiple choice, test, completion test, essays, practical exams, papers/reports, projects, questionnaires, inventories, checklists
  • MEASUREMENT = comes from the old French word “measure” which means “limit or quantity. A quantitative description of an object's characteristics or attributes.  
          ex. Raw score percentage rating 
    = obtaining numerical description of the degree which an individual possess a particular characteristic 
  • EVALUATION = it is the process of judging the quality of a performance or course of action (russell and airasian, 2012). It entails finding the value of an educational task. Assessment data gathered by the teacher have to be interpreted to make sound decisions about students and the teaching-learning process. 
    Ex. final decision/result or recommendation, if proficient or what
    = outcome of measurement after the value has been added
    It is the process of judging the quality of a performance or course of action (Russell and Airasian
  • NON TEST =  interviews, case studies, and behavioral observations
    = device that does not force students to give their responses
    = usually based on teachers' direct observations as students perform the assigned tasks
    = the results of non-tests supplement the information that test results provide 
  • !!Remember!!
     Measurement = number (how much)
    Assessment = method or tool (how do we know) to know how well l does the individual perform
    Evaluation = judgment  (how good)
    • Maximum Performance
    = determines what individuals can do when performing their best (Ex. aptitude test. Achievement test)
    • Typical Performance
    = what individuals will do under natural conditions (ex. Attitude, interest and personality inventories; observation techniques; peer appraisals)
  • > Form of Assessment
    • Fixed Choice Test
    = efficient measurement of knowledge and skills, indirect indicator (ex. Standardized test)
    • Complex Performance Assessment
    = measurement of performance in contexts and on problems valued in their own right (hands-on laboratory experiments, projects, essays, oral presentations)
  • > Roles of Assessment
    • Placement
    = determines prerequisite skills, degree of mastery 
    Of course goals and best mode of learning (ex., Readiness tests, aptitude tests, pretest on course objectives, self-report inventories, observational techniques)
    = Meant to determine the learner's strengths, place students into an appropriate  grade level or program 
    (ex. Ustet exam = place students into the proper programs
    academic placement = directed)
  • > Roles of Assessment
    = determines learning progress, provides feedback to reinforce learning, and corrects learning errors (teacher-made test, custom-made test from textbook publishers, observational techniques)
    = given during the TL process, indicator whether the students if the teacher is effective for intervention or remediation, coupled with feedback (comments or suggestions in areas for improvement)
  • > Roles of Assessment
    • Diagnostic
    = determines causes (intellectual, physical, emotional, environmental) of persistent learning difficulties (ex. Publish diagnostic test, teacher made diagnostic test, observational techniques)
    = focus on the weakness of a students, determine which topic on the course that students need to work on further, if students have difficulty and if they have the foundational skills (ex. Pre assessments) given at the start or during instruction 
  • > Roles of Assessment
    • Summative 
    = determines the end-of-course achievement for assigning grades or certifying mastery of objectives (ex. Teacher-made survey test, performance rating scales, product scales)
    =  grading and reporting, given at the end of the unit or grading period. Commonly graded and reported. For evaluative purposes.  (ex. National achievement test) Administered at the end of learning to measure the extent to which the learners have mastered the learning competencies, used to report the learner’s achievement. 
  • Usually combined as. For DEPED
    • Formative and diagnostic
    • Placement together with summative
  • Formative assessment = provide information, they are not use for punishments, it has a very high influence or impact in learning, 
    = Inform and improve their teaching, immediate feedback 
  • Formative Feedback = Is information about the gap (problem space)  between the actual level and reference level which is used to alter that “gap”
  • Not all assessments are tests, it can be performance tasks, portfolios, reflection, etc. Test can be an assessment. 
    Answer: True
    • Assessment is only for grading purposes. There are assessments that are non graded/ formatives. 
    Answer: False
  • ROLES OF ASSESSMENT should be given continuously..
    • Before instruction = placement diagnostic, meant for sizing up
    • During = diagnostic formative, provide instructional 
    • After = summative, meant to be official
  • > Purposes of Assessment 
    * assessment for learning = formative assessment meant to prepare students for the summative assessment 
    * assessment of learning = summative assessment to determine if the student learned really
    • assessment as learning = ipsative, “self” involves students monitoring his or her performance or learning.  self-assessment
  • > Method of Interpreting Results
    • Criterion Referenced
    = describes student performance according to a specified domain of clearly defined learning task (ex. Adding similar fractions)
    • Norm references
    = describes student performance according to relative position in some known group (ex., Ranks second in his class)

    A. As to mode of Response
    • Oral test 
    = a test wherein the test taker gives his answer orally
    • Written test 
    = a test where the answers to questions are written by the test-takers
    • Performance test
    = one in which the test taker creates an answer or a product that demonstrates his knowledge or skills, as in cooking and baking
    B. As to ease of quantification of response
    • Objective test (can be measured)
    = a paper and pencil test wherein the students' answers can be compared and quantified to yield a numerical score. This is because it requires a convergent or specific response.
    • Subjective Test (essay test
    = a paper and pencil test, which is not easily quantified as students are free to write their answers to a question, such as in an essay test. Thus, answers to this type of test are divergent.
    C. As to mode of administration
    • Individual test 
    = a test administered to one student at a time
    • Group test
    = one administered to a group of students simultaneously
    D. As to test constructor
    • Standardized test
    = a test prepared by an expert or specialist. This type of test sample behavior under uniform procedures
    • Under Standardized test
    = one prepared by teachers for use in classroom, with no established norms for scoring and interpretation of results
    E. As to the mode of interpreting results
    • Norm-referenced test
    = a test that evaluates a student's performance by comparing it to the performance of a group of students on the same test.
    • Criterion-referenced test
    = a test that measures a student's performance against an agreed-upon or pre-established level of performance
    F. As to the nature of answer
    • Personality test
    = Assessing individual personality
    • Intelligence test
    = measures the mental ability of an individual 
    • Aptitude test
    = designed to predict the likelihood of an individual success in a learning area or field of endeavor, what an individual is capable of doing 
    • Achievement test
    = determine what students have learned from formal instruction in school
    • Summative test
    = given at the end of instruction to determine the students learning and assign grads
    F. As to the nature of answer
    • Diagnostic test 
    = identify their strengths and weakness in past and present learning
    • Formative test
    = given to improve teaching and learning while it is going on. Test given after teaching the lesson for the day is an example
    • Socio-metric test
    = discovering the learners likes and dislikes, preferences and their social acceptances, as well as social relationships existing in a group 
    • Trade/ vocational test
    = a test designed to measure an individual skills or competence in an occupation or vocation
  • dyslexic = oral 
    dyspraxia = motor learning disabilities
    dysphasia = impairment in the production of speech
    communication oral and written = both

    Answer: True
    plagiarism is less likely

    Answer: Oral
    it can cover a wide range of topics
    Answer: Written
    favors extrovert
    Answer: Oral
    more time consuming
    Answer: Written
    administered to a large group one at a time
    answer: Written