Receives signal from environment or from other neuron
Carries out a response to information.
Motor neuron:
Transfer signals from CNS to muscles and glands.
Sensory neuron:
Receives information.
Involuntaryreaction that does not involve the brain for safety purposes. An example is your hand touching a hot stove then pulling it away quickly, or blinking when something comes close to your face.
Space between neurons where chemicals from axon of one neuron flow across to the dendrites of another neuron
Examples of something controlled by your autonomic nervous system:
Digestion, hormone release, focusing of your lens in your eye
Examples of something controlled by your somaticnervoussystem:
Running, waving, talking
Cell body: Processes the signal/message
Brainstem: Controls involuntary actions (autonomic nervous system), examples are breathing and heart rate.
Cerebellum: Controls balance and coordination. Example: being able to touch one hand to the other with your eyes closed.
Cerebrum: Controls memory, thinking, sensory processing, motor functions, and more. Example: recalling this information in your brain, recognizing what an apple is and what an orange is.
Autonomic Nervous System: Controls involuntarymuscles/things you don't think about/don't have control over. An example is breathing and heart rate.
Central Nervous System (CNS): Brain and spinal cord.
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): Allneurons and nervesEXCEPT the brain and spinalcord.
Somatic Nervous System: Voluntary muscles/things you DO have control over. An example is kicking a soccer ball, reading, writing, speaking...
Types of receptors in your eye:
Rods for black and whitevision and cones for colorvision, located on the retina at the back of the eye
Types of receptors in your fingers:
Touch receptors for pressure, pain, and temperature
Types of receptors in your tongue:
Receptors for sweet, salty, sour, and bitter chemicals