5.4 Nutrient Cycle

Cards (7)

  • Explain the role of saprobionts in recycling chemical elements?
    Decompose (break down) organic compounds eg. proteins / urea / DNA in dead matter / organic waste
    ● By secreting enzymes for extracellular digestion (saprobiotic nutrition)
    ● Absorb soluble needed nutrients and release minerals ions eg. phosphate ions
  • Explain the role of mycorrhizae ?
    Mycorrhizae = symbiotic association between fungi and plant roots
    Fungi (hyphae) act as an extension of plant roots to increase surface area of root system
    ● To increase rate of uptake / absorption of water and inorganic ions
    ● In return, fungi receive organic compounds eg. carbohydrates
  • Give examples of biological molecules that contain nitrogen?
    Amino acids / proteins or enzymes / urea / DNA or RNA / chlorophyll / ATP or ADP / NAD or NADP
  • Describe the role of bacteria in nitrogen fixation?
    Nitrogen gas (N2) converted into ammonia (NH3), which forms ammonium ions (NH4 + ) in soil
    ● By nitrogen-fixing bacteria (may be found in root nodules)
  • Describe the role of bacteria in ammonification?
    ● Nitrogen-containing compounds eg. proteins / urea from dead organisms / waste are broken down / decomposed
    ● Converted to ammonia, which forms ammonium ions in soil
    ● By saprobionts - secrete enzymes for extracellular digestion
  • Describe the role of bacteria in denitrification?
    ● Nitrates in soil converted into nitrogen gas (reduction)
    ● By denitrifying bacteria in anaerobic conditions (no oxygen, eg. waterlogged soil)
  • Describe the role of bacteria in nitrification ?
    ● Ammonium ions in soil converted into nitrites then nitrates, via a two-step oxidation reaction ○ For uptake by plant root hair cells by active transport
    ● By nitrifying bacteria in aerobic conditions (oxygen)