ICT stands for Information and Communications Technology
ICT involves the use of computing and telecommunication technologies, systems, and tools to facilitate the creation, collection, processing, transmission, and storage of information
All technology used to handle telecommunication and access information, including broadcast media, management systems, and network-based control
Different communication technologies are used to locate, save, send, and edit information
Since 2002, there have been more mobile subscribers than fixed telephone line subscribers
Internet access continues to expand based on various platforms
Top markets for IT sales in the Philippines are Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), telecommunications, financial services, and the government
Web page:
A document commonly written in HTML viewed in an Internet browser
A hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web
Web pages can be static (flat or stationary) or dynamic (able to be manipulated by the user)
Web 2.0 is the evolution of Web 1.0, adding dynamic web pages where users can see websites differently
Examples include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, and web applications
Features of Web 2.0:
Rich user experience
Long tail
User participation
Software as a service
Mass participation
Semantic Web:
Led by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Provides a common framework for data sharing and reuse across application, enterprise, and community boundaries
Web 3.0:
Involves multiple different devices combining into a single gadget due to technological advancement
Example: smartphone capable of functions like a television, radio, computer, telephone, camera, and GPS
Convergent technologies:
Examples include Smart TV and mobile technologies like smartphones and tablets
Social media:
Software, applications, or platforms that allow users to communicate in online social communities or networks
Enables faster communication with a larger number of people
Assistive media:
Provides accessibility for individuals with cognitive, physical, and communication disabilities
Examples include Text-to-speech Pen, Magnifiers, Hearing Aids