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  • Microbes that cause disease are known as pathogens.
  • Two major categories of microbes are acellular microbes and cellular microbes
  • Acellular microbes include viruses and prions
  • two categories of cellular are prokaryotes and eukaryotes
  • Prokaryotes include archaea and bacteria
  • eukaryote include algae, fungi and protozoa
  • the microbes that colonize (inhabit) our bodies are known as opportunistic pathogens
  • Saprophytes - break down dead and decaying organic material Into Inorganic nutrients In the son
  • tiny marine animals are called zooplankton.
  • Tiny marine plants and algae are called phytoplankton
  • Microbes cause two categories of diseases: infectious diseases and microbial intoxications
  • microbial intoxication results when a person ingests a toxin (poisonous substance) that has been produced by a microbe.
  • Infectious Disease - A pathogen colonizes a person's body.
  • Microbial intoxication - A pathogen produces a toxin in vitro.
  • In vitro refers to a study performed outside of a living organism.
  • In vivo is Latin for “within the living.”
  • Candidates for the first microbes on Earth are archaea and cyanobacteria
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to see live bacteria and protozoa
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek "Father of Microbiology"
  • The idea that life can arise spontaneously from nonliving material is called the theory of spontaneous generation or abiogenesis.
  • Louis Pasteur - a French chemist. made numerous contributions to the newly emerging field of microbiology, and, in fact, his contributions are considered by many people to be the foundation of the science of microbiology and a cornerstone of modem medicine.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek - Made many simple single-lens microscopes
  • Investigated different fermentation products - Louis Pasteur
  • Robert Koch - German physician who made numerous contributions to microbiology, Discovered that Bacillus anthracis produced spores
  • microbiologist - is a scientist who studies microbes.
  • aerobes - organisms that require oxygen
  • anaerobes - organisms that do not require oxygen
  • Robert Koch discovered that B.anthracis produces spores, capable of resisting adverse conditions.
  • One of Koch's colleagues, RJ. Petri, invented a flat glass dish
  • The term pure culture refers to a condition in which only one type of organism is growing on a solid culture medium or in a liquid culture medium in the laboratory; no other types of organisms are present
  • Scientists specializing in the field of phycology (or algology) study the various types of algae and are called phycologists
  • Virologists may also study prions and viroids, acellular infectious agents that are even smaller than viruses
  • Those who specialize in the study of fungi, or mycology, are called mycologists.
  • Viruses, rickettsias, and chlamydias are called obligate intracellular pathogens (or obligate intracellular parasites) because they can survive and multiply only within living host cells.
  • The microbes that live on and In the human body al'8 referred to as our indigenous microbiota
  • The sizes of bacteria and protozoa are usually expressed in terms of micrometers.
  • The sizes of bacteria and protozoa are usually expressed in terms of micrometers
  • The sizes of viruses are expressed in terms of nanometers
  • When using a microscope, the sizes of microorganisms are measured using an ocular micrometer.
  • A simple microscope is defined as a microscope containing only one magnifying lens. A