types of memory

Cards (16)

  • there are three types of memory:
    • sensory register
    • short term memory
    • Long term memory
  • Sensory register - temporarily stores information From our senses,
    disappears quickly unless pay attention to it through process of 'spontaneous decay'
    limited capacity and duration
    coded - depending on sense that it bring up
  • The three types of memory all have differing:
    • duration - how long memory lasts
    • capacity - how much can be held in memory
    • coding - how information is stored
  • short-term memory - limited capacity and duration
    coding is acoustic (sounds)
  • Long-term memory - unlimited capacity and coding is semantic (by meaning)
    3 types of LTM:
    • Episodic memory - stores information about events that actually experienced
    • Semantic memory - stores facts and knowledge
    • procedural memory - stores knowledge of how to do things (walking)
  • Capacity STM, Jacobs : method - participants given string of letters or digits had to memorise and repeat back same order. number of digits or letters increased until participant failed repeat correctly
  • Capacity STM, Jacobs: results - participants able to recall 9 digits and 7 letters. increased with age
    Conclusion - STM capacity is between 7 and 9
  • Capacity STM: Miller, created 7 +- 2 for capacity
  • STM duration, Peterson and Peterson: Method - participants shown a trigram (BJQ) and asked them to recall after 3,6,9,12,15,18 seconds. During time they were asked to count back from a number as a 'interference task'
  • STM duration, Peterson and Perterson: results - after 3 seconds participants recalled 80% of trigrams
    after 18 seconds participants recalled 10% of trigrams
    Findings - STM is 18 seconds unless repeat information
  • Capacity LTM Bahrick et al (1975): method - studied 392 American participants of age 17-74. used yearbook photos from participants year in high school of real test
    tested 2 ways:
    • photo recognition - 50 photos some from participants high school
    • free recall test - recall all names off their graduating class
  • Capacity LTM Barrack et al : findings - test 1 photo recall, 15 years of graduating 90% accurate, after 48 years or graduation recall 70% accurate
    test 2 free recall - 15 years of graduation 60% accurate, 48 year after graduation 30% accurate
  • Capacity LTM Bahrick - duration of long-term memory lasts up to a lifetime
  • Coding STM, Baddeley (1966): method - participants given 4 sets of words that were either:
    • acoustically similar (man, mad, mat)
    • acoustically dissimilar (pit cow bar)
    • semantically similar (big, large, huge,)
    • semantically dissimilar (good, hot, pig)
    used independent group design
    asked to recall the word either straight away or following a 20 minuet task
  • Coding STM: results - participant had problems recalling acoustically similar words straight away (from STM)
    had problems with semantically similar word after break (LTM)
  • Coding Baddely: results - STM acoustic coding
    LTM semantic coding