
Cards (11)

  • The cognitive approach is concerned with how we process information, store it and retrieve it.
    • Born with two schema 
    • Sucking 
    • Grasping
  • Computer models:
    • Involves programming computer to see if the instructions produce similar outputs to humans 
  • Assumptions:
    • Mental processes should be studied scientifically 
    • Studies areas neglected by behaviourists 
    • Studied indirectly as processes are 'private'
  • Cognitive Neuroscience:
    • The study of the influence of mental processes on brain structures 
  • Begelsky + Alampay (1962) - The Rat Man 
    • Two groups shown faces 
    • Group 1 = human
    • Group 2 = different animals 
    • Were then shown this image 
    • Group 1 saw a man, group 2 saw a rat
    • Figure they saw was influenced by the schema formed by the initial images 
    • Advances in brain scanning allows better observations 
    • Computer simulations an be designed to read the brain
  • + scientific methods 
    • Uses highly controlled methods able to infer processes at work so their data is reliable and objective 
    • Cognitive neuroscience has enabled biology and cognitive psychology to combine 
    Study of the mind has established a credible scientific basis 
  • -- issues with RLA 
    • Only able to infer processes from observation, sometimes too abstract
    • Often carried out with artificial stimuli, not represent everyday experience 
    Research may lack external validity 
  • + Less determinist than others
    • Founded on soft determinism - recognises that we can only operate within the limits of what we know, free to think before responding to stimulus
  • -- Computer models are reductionist 
    • Computer analogy criticised 
    • Machine reductionism ignores human emotion, this may effect information processing 
    Computer models are not a complete explanation of cognition