Search meaning is to investigate. The prefix “re” means again and signifies of the search. Literally, research means, “to investigate again”
Characteristics of Research
Types of Research based on Application of Research Method
Pure Research
Applied Research
Qualities of a Good Researcher
Research Oriented
Functions of Research
Research corrects perceptions
Research gathers information on subjects or phenomena we lack or have a little knowledge about
Research develops and evaluates concepts, practices, and theories
Research obtains knowledge for practical purposes like solving problems on population explosion, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency, and the like
Research is defined as a purposive and scientific process of gathering, analyzing, organizing, presenting, and interpreting data
The word research is derived from the old French word, “cerchier” which means to “seek or search”
Types of Research based on Types of Data Needed
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Approaches to Research
Scientific Approach
Naturalistic Approach
A learning process that motivates you to obtain knowledge or information about people, things, places, or events
Types of Research based on Purpose of the Research
Descriptive Research
Correlational Research
Exploratory Research
Action Research
Characteristics of the researcher
Intellectual Curiosity
Intellectual Honesty
Intellectual Creativity
A branch of philosophy dealing with the rightness or wrongness of an act, conforming to accepted professional practice
Scientific Method of Research
1. Determining the Problem
2. Forming Hypothesis
3. Doing the Library Research
4. Designing the Study
5. Developing the instruments for collecting data
6. Collecting the Data
7. Analyzing the Data
8. Determining the implication and conclusions from findings
9. Making recommendations for future research
Ethics in Research
Triangulation Approach
Combining Scientific and Naturalistic approaches in research design, using multiple methods for data gathering and analysis
Scientific Approach
Discover and measure information, observe and control variables in an impersonal manner
Naturalistic Approach
Uses words, deals with qualitative data on how people behave toward their surroundings
Characteristics of Qualitative Research
Naturalistic inquiry
Inductive analysis
Holistic perspective
Qualitative data
Personal contact and insight
Dynamic systems
Unique Case Orientation
Context Sensitivity
Emphatic Neutrality
Design flexibility
Types of Qualitative Research Designs
Grounded Theory
Case Study
Action Research
Avoided Research Topics
Controversial issues
Very new topics
Personal bias and discriminating topics
Supernatural and paranormal topics
Political conflicts
How to commit crimes
Guidelines in Choosing a Research Topic
Interest in the Subject Matter
Availability of Information
Timeliness and Relevance of the Topic
Limitations on the Subject
Personal Resources
Things to consider in selecting a topic
Scope and Delimitation
Description of what is included in the study and what is not included
Objectives of the Study
Research objectives describe what the research project intends to accomplish and guide every step of the research process
Sources of Research Topics
Mass Media Communication (Newspaper, TVs, Radio, Films)
Periodicals and Journals
Work Experience (OJT, Fieldwork)
Thesis and Dissertation
Creative ideas of a research
Realistic expectations provide a basis to develop theories, research instruments, and influence the development and implementation of the research process
Definition of Terms
Important in exploring common understanding within improvement teams and ensuring people understand the same thing about key terms or issues
Research Question / Statement of the Problem is a statement of the purpose of the study and a series of questions that will help in researching the topic
Theoretical Framework
A foundational review of existing theories that serves as a roadmap for developing arguments in research
Background of the Study serves to provide readers with the background and general direction of the research paper, bring about a smooth transition into the major discussion of the paper, and arouse curiosity among the readers
Significance of the Study
A list of the people or institutions who will benefit from the study and how they will benefit
Elements of a Research Title
The subject matter or topic to be investigated
The place or locale where the research is to be conducted
The population or universe from who the data are to be collected
The TIME period of the study during which the data are to be collected