name 3types of errorsthat can occurs when doing an experiment?
Systematic error, random error, and parallax error
What property of a lightwavechanges when its refracted?
What is the first thing you should do when you see a mathsquestion?
convert all the units to the correct unit
What happens in an electricalcircuit when a car aerial absorbsradiowaves?
itcauseselectrons to oscillate with the samefrequencyastheradiowave
Give two ways in which radiowaves are different to soundwaves?
radiowaves are transverse
radiowaves are electromagnetic
Explain why a car had a maximumspeed?
there is a maximumforwardforcefrom the motor
as the speedincreasesairresistanceincreases
untilairresistance is equal to the sizeof the forwardforce
so the car can nolongeraccelerate
What is the function of a microphone?
to convert the soundwavesintovibrationsincurrent
Why are x-rays used for medicalimagingofbones?
they can passthroughsofttissue
but are absorbedbybones so they can create an imageofbonestructures inside the body
How do you get more preciseresults in an experiment?
Explain why refractionofwaveshappensbetweenshallow and deepwater?
velocity of the waveisslower in shallowwater
so edgeofwavefrontenteringshallowwater will slowdown
but the partof the wavein the deeperwaterremains a a highvelocity
What are waves?
waves transfer energy but do not transfer matter. they are vibrations of matter or space
What is an incident?
a wave or energy thatfallsuponasurface
What is thermal conductivity?
rateofheat transfer throughamaterial
Method for infrared radiation practical?
boil a kettle
fill the Lesliecube with boilingwater from a kettle
aim the infrared detector at1side of the cube to record the temp of each different colour surface
use the ruler to make sure the infrared detector is the same distance away from each surface
What does Normal mean in physics?
perpendicular to (at a right angle to)
What is the law of reflection?
The law ofreflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. always obeyedbyeveryindividualray
What is specular reflection?
produces and image e.g. A mirror
What is diffuse reflection?
does not produce an image
What do diminished,undiminished and magnified mean in terms of images?
Diminished means the image appears smaller, undiminished means the image appears the samesize, and magnified means the image appears larger.
What equipment is needed for the reflection and refractionexperiment?
light box, single slit slide, a normal created by a transparent semi-circular block
Give the method for the reflection and refractionexperiment?
setupequipment with lightboxdirectedat the block
drawaround the semi-circularblock
mark the position of the lightray at the start,end and where it enters and exits the block
remove the block and connect the marks to show the lightrays
add normal lines and measure the angles of incidence and refraction
repeat on a new piece of paper for a range of angles of incidence
repeat the experiment with blocksmade of differenttransparentmaterials
Give variables for reflection and refractionexperiment?
independent: angle of incidence
dependent: angle of refraction
control: material the block is made of
Define random error?
an error in measurement caused by factors which varyfromonemeasurement to another.
define systematicerror?
over the courseofanumber of measurements,all of those measurements are inaccurate to the samedegree due to an error in setup of equipment or a repeatederror in recording those results
What is parallax Error?
the error that occursdue to incorrectpositioning of the eyeswhiletaking a reading on a measuringscale
Give properties of p-waves?
they are longitudinal, they travel at the speed of sound and are twice as fast as s-waves, they travel at different speeds through solids and liquids
Give properties of s-waves?
they are transverse, Cannot travel through liquids
How are p and S wavesused?
whenseismic waves are produce, the difference in time between the arrival or p-waves and s-waves at different detectors can provide evidence about the location of the earthquake and the material they have traveledthrough
What do s-waves shadow zone show?
S-waves are notable to travel through the liquid outer core of the earth. this results in a large shadow zone on the opposite side of the earthtowhere the earthquake originate. the shadow zone provides evidence of the size of the earths core
What do p-waves shadow zone show?
p-wave are able to travel through the liquid outer core however they are refracted at the boundarybetween the semi-solid mantle and the liquid outer core, then they are refractedagain at the boundarybetween the liquid outer core and the solid inner core. these refractionsresult in p-wave shadow zones. the study of these is used to determine the size of composition of the inner and outer core
Whathappens during an earthquake?
seismic wavestraveloutwardsfromtheearthquake and travel in a curved path through the earthdue to the earthincreasingindensitywithdepth. detectors placed around the earth measurewhen and where the different waves arrive
What EM wave is used for satellite communications and why?
microwaves- as they can pass through the atmosphere due to their large wavelength