lady macbeth

Cards (25)

  • femme fatale

    use her female characterises to be cruel and evil
  • tyrannical force 

    he is the force behind Macbeth and reason for his downfall
  • androgynous
    mix for femineity and masculinity
  • act 1: " pour my spirit in thine ear."

    the manipulative noun "pour" builds a connection to her emasculating threat that he is "too full o'th'milk of human kindness." suggest that she will replace this milk with evil. "milk" is a symbol for femininity and maternal nurturing lady Macbeth rejects the notions of femininity.
  • act 1: "come you spirits" and "come thick night"

    this almost seems that she is casting a spell and the noun "spirit" and "night" allude to the dark supernatural force
  • Act 1:" dash the brains out"

    this reflects the merciless and remorseless nature and show her disregard for innocent and vulnerable human life
  • act 1: "was hope drunk? "wherein you dress yourself?"

    he ridicule and question his state of mind. want to exploit his emotion of embarrassment
  • lady Macbeth word
  • lady Macbeth being a coward
  • Act 2: "i shame to wear a heart so white"

    she is mocking him and to ridicule cowardice
  • Act: "had he not resembled my father as he slept, i had done it"

    exposes for her inner cowardice and ingrained fear of patricide
  • Act 2: "a little water clears us of this deed"

    uses the euphemism she is exposed as she doesn't want to face what lady Macbeth has done. this is irony because lady Macbeth shift to a melodramatic state of insanity
  • lady Macbeth 3 

  • lady Macbeth
  • Lady Macbeth
    quelling Macbeth's evil= make Macbeth become more good again
  • Act: "you must leave this" and "be innocence of the knowledge, dearest chuck"

    Lady Macbeth was discouraging Macbeth from murdering Banquo but instead Macbeth is trapped in the momentum of evil and dismissive
  • Act 3: "you lack the season of all nature, sleep"

    this show Lady Macbeth now understand that they have lost their innocence and want to reconcile as only then they can united with god.
  • Act 4: the tragic heroine
    that is has success and power and yet her absence foreshadows her impending doom
  • somnambulism
  • need for salvation
    asking to be saved from god
  • Act 5: "out damn spot! out i say!" "a little water clears us of the deed"

    the imagery blood that she tries to clean and she exclaims which is directly juxtaposes in act 1
  • Act 5: "spot"

    the spot is emblematic of the scar of the murder is created on her mind. the people of the Jacobean believe that people with a spot which helped them identified as a witches
  • Act 5: " (enters with a taper)"

    this taper is emblematic of lady Macbeth is seeking hope and light and she wants solace from her eternal mental darkness. Jesus was seen as the light of world and Lady Macbeth is hopeful for salvation and redemption for her sins.
  • lady Macbeth
    foil of herself
  • thought out the play lady Macbeth speaks in blank verse(noble people)

    but in the end she speaks in disjointed prose(low status ) show that the guilt has engulfed her mind so she has lost the status that he once had