EM spectrum - Physics

Cards (7)

  • Em waves have different wavelengths and different properties. They are grouped into seven types depending on their wavelengths.
  • radio waves
    visible light
    ultra violet
    gamma rays
  • radio waves have the lowest frequency and the longest wavelength
    gamma rays have the highest frequency and shortest wavelength
  • All types of EM radiation are tranverse wavesd and travel at the same speed through a vacuum
  • EM waves can be reflected, refracted or absorbed by matter they pass through
  • radio waves are used mainly for communications
    microwaves are used for satellite communication and heating food
    Infrared radiation is used for heating and to monitor temperatures
    Light signals can travel through optic fibres
    visible light is useful for photography
    Ultra violet is used in fluorescent lamps (UV)
    x-rays let us see inside things like the body
    gamma radiation can be very useful for sterilising medical equipment and food
  • Microwaves can heat human body tissue - they need shielding to prevent this
    Infrared can burn human skin - protect your skin by using insulating materials
    UV radiation can damage surface cells and cause blindness - use suncream and sun glasses
    gamma rays can cause cell mutation or destruction leading to tissue damage or cancer - medical treatment