
Cards (12)

  • Front snap kick & side kick in Korean: Ap Chagi (front snap kick) & Yop chagi (side kick)
  • Foot part used in front snap kick and side piercing kick: Ball of the footAp Kumchi, Foot swordBalkal
  • Korean for side, turning & front snap kick: Yop Chagi, Dollyo Chagi & Ap Chagi
  • Foot part used in front snap, side piercing & turning kick: Ball of the footAp kumchi & Foot swordBalkal
  • The Korean for Reverse Turning kick is Bandae Dollyo Chagi and it uses the back heel
  • The Korean for downward (axe) kick is Naeryo chagi and it uses the back heel
  • Ap Chagi
    The front snap kick
  • Yop Chagi
    The side piercing kick
  • Dollyo Chagi
    The turning kick, a kick where the kicker turns the body and swings the leg to strike the target.
  • Naeryo Chagi
    The downward or axe kick, a kick where the kicker's leg swings downward to strike the target with the ball of the foot.
  • Bandae Dollyo Chagi
    The reverse turning kick
  • Twimyo Yop Chagi
    The flying side kick