
Cards (39)

  • Broiler: Meat type chicken grown to 35 days and weighing 1.5 - 2.0 kgs
  • Pullet: A young hen, especially one less than one year old
  • Layer: Egg type chicken, lays eggs at 5 months old
  • Fryer: Meat type chicken harvested when they reach 0.8 to 1.2 kgs
  • Brooding: The process of providing supplemental heat to broiler chicks from hatching up to the time they have grown sufficient feathers to control their own body temperature
  • Flock: A group of poultry, generally of the same age, that are hatched, housed, managed, and sold together as one unit
  • Incubation: The process where chicks are obtained from fertile eggs, key for the development of laying pullets and broiler chickens
  • Down Feather: The first covering/feather of a chick for insulation
  • Plumage: Collective feathered covering of a bird for protection, insulation, adornment, and to streamline body contours
  • Dubbing: Cutting of comb, wattles, or earlobes to leave the head smooth
  • Quill: The hollow, horny basal part of the stem of a feather
  • Debeaking: The removal of part of the top and bottom beak of a bird
  • Primaries (wing): The longest feathers of the wing, growing between pinions and secondaries, hidden when the wing is folded
  • Snood: Fleshy protuberance above a male turkey’s bill, sometimes covering the bill
  • Caruncles: Fleshy bumps on the turkey's head and neck
  • Secondaries (wing): Longer wing feathers growing from the middle section, exposed when the wing is folded under
  • Web of Feet: Toes connected by skin to help when swimming
  • Web of Wing: Wings formed by membranes extended between digits
  • Beak: The projecting mouth of the chicken and turkey, consisting of upper and lower mandibles
  • Bill: The projecting mouth part of waterfowls, consisting of upper and lower mandibles
  • Oviposition: The act or process of depositing or laying eggs
  • Cock: A male chicken over one year of age
  • Cockerel: A young male of the domestic chicken
  • Fowl: Domesticated birds kept for eating or producing eggs
  • Keel Bone: The dark-looking breastbone that runs along the middle of the chicken’s activity
  • Molting: The natural process of shedding and renewing feathers
  • Battery Cages: A housing system used primarily for egg-laying hens
  • Candling: A means of identifying infertile and early dead embryos
  • Spur: A sharp horn-like protrusion that can grow on the legs of chickens, used for fighting and self-defense
  • Backyard Broiler Farm: Farms that produce not more than 1,000 broilers per harvest
  • Large Commercial Broiler Farm: Farms that produce 100,000 or more broilers per harvest
  • Straight Run Chick: A chick that comes from a hatch that has not been sexed
  • Non-Broody: A hen who will not hatch eggs
  • Dual Purpose: Chickens that can be raised for both eggs and meat
  • Preening: A bird’s way of grooming its feathers to keep them in the best condition
  • Strutting: Walking with a lofty proud gait, often to impress others
  • Pecking Order: The basic pattern of social organization within a flock of poultry where each bird pecks another lower in the scale without fear of retaliation
  • Perching: Considered an integral part of chicken behavior, stimulating diversification of locomotion
  • Gaggle: A group of geese