
Cards (6)

  • photo storage;
    brain - The brain receives and sends signals as electrical impulses
    camera - films rely on chemicals to store information. Over time these chemicals can react & change, so the image may also change
    digital - numbers
  • digital imaging - process of creating an image using a computer
  • pixels - Short for Picture element; individual element of a digital image
    • each is assigned coordinates
    • each is assigned a value (colour)
    • these numbers are stored on computers
  • resolution - number of pixels per unit area of a Digital image
    more pixels = better quality
  • CCD - charged coupled device
    • grid similar to graph paper, when light falls on a square it creates electricity, the image is converted to numbers
    • after this, it can be stored
    • Satellites have cameras which capture images, turn them into digital information and beam that information to computers here on earth