globalization: interconnected through trade & investment; economies of major countries depended on one another
Democracy: elected lower houses of parliament; most adult males could vote; relatively free press
MilitaryRevolution: Naval technology improves; construction of railways; advancements in firearms and ammunition
The Concert of Europe: European powers agreed that if a crisis arose they would resolve it peacefully through a conference of ambassadors
Militarism: glorification of war; ready to mobilize; increase of military spending; arms race; Germany competed against England for naval superiority
Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia, later US
Imperialism: tension among nations; competition for colonies
Crisis in the Balkans: multiple ethnic groups; long history of clashes; "powder keg" of Europe
"powderKeg" refers to how one little spark has the potential to europt the whole nation into conflict
OttomanEmpireindecline: new nations formed; everyone wanted a piece of the Balkans; Austria-Hungary annexed a portion
Nationalism: deep devotion to one's nation; competitions between nations; European Rivalries; Britain and Germany competed for industrial dominance
Industrialism: mechanization leads to modern warfare weaponry; Arms Race ensues
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand: Archduke; heir to the Austrian throne; decided to visit Sarajevo; was shot by Gavrilo princip
GavriloPrincip: shot Ferdinand and his wife; Serbian rebel; Member of Secret Society (the black hand)
MAINIA: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Industrialism, Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
the AlliancesSystem caused a chain reaction which led to war
TheSchlieffenPlan: attacked France first, then Russia; Germany snuck through Belgium (a neutral country) to get to France; ANGERED BRITAIN (Britain joins war)
First Battle of the Marne: 600 taxis; fought for four days; Germans retreat
TheWesternFront: region in Northern France
EasternFront: German/Russian Border; Germans, Austrians, and Turks fought Russians and Serbs
Dardanelles: Gateway to Ottoman Empire; Allies want to capture capital (Constantinople) supply line to Russia
GallipoliCampaign: British, Australian, NewZealand, France attack (Goal: to take Dardanelles) German officers, Turkish troops defend; allies retreat
TheItalianFront: Italy and Austria-Hungary; fought in mountainous regions
Trench: a complex networks of long, deep ditches designed as protective defenses; Led to drawn out war with extremely high casualty rates
trenches were connected by communication trenches
trenches were 6 feet wide and 7 feet deep
trench lines were built in a zigzag pattern (if enemy enters trench they could not shoot straight down the line)
trenches had Rats, lice, muddy water, human waste, dead and injured soldiers.
Men stood in standing water for extended periods in trenches resulting in Trenchfoot (feet became infected and had to be amputated) (resulted in numbness, red and blue feet, and open sores)
lack of proper garbagedisposal in trenches
to attack the enemy, soldiers had to charge across NoMan'sLand (filled with corpses, barbedwire, craters from artillery)
Weapons of War: Newtechnology (killed people more effectively) poisonGas, MachineGun, Tank, Airplane, Submarine
Shellshock: men serving frontlines were under tremendous amount of stress; experienced mental breakdowns; removed from the front; shellshock victims viewed as cowards & deserters (shellshock = PTSD)
Russia Withdraws from War: brink of REvolution; Czar Nicholas II abdicates; 5.5 million Russian soldiers wounded/killed/prisoners
VladimirLenin takes control: treaty of Brest-Litovsk (agreement with Germany, ends war between Russia and Germany, Russia gives land to Germany)
Germans make one last attack on allies in France: surrenders; Kaiser Wilhelm steps down, Germany and France sign the Armistice
Art before WWI: colorful; nature; happy; cheerful; everydaylife; relaxed; detailed; realistic
GertrudeStein: one of the leaders of Lost Generation, Paris Home was salon for leading artists during WWI and II
ErnestHemingway: Served as an ambulance driver during WWI, wartime experiences colored his influential novels